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Buildings > Thoths Puzzle

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Thoth's Puzzle

How to Build

Items required:

Important warning: Do not rotate the Thoth's Puzzle project when you place it. Sliding it from side to side is OK, but rotating it will scramble the movement buttons you'll need to place the pinholes and solve the puzzle. For example, if you rotate the puzzle 90 degrees clockwise, then the up arrow will move things to the left, and the right arrow will move them up. (I reported this as a bug in mid October 2006 --- Nebmare)

How to Play

The Thoth's Puzzle is a circular playing field dotted with Pinhole Lights. You must rotate and move the Shape Pieces provided so that all of the Pinhole lights are covered simultaneously.

Select a piece by clicking on it with your mouse, and use the interface to turn and move it. The inner buttons move it a little, the outer tabs move it a lot. Pieces may overlap one another but may not be moved or rotated off the board.

When all the lights are covered, the puzzle is solved and you may claim your win.

Puzzle Design

Once you build your Thoth's Puzzle, you are presented with the designer's menu. You can "Configure Pieces", "Configure Pinholes" and "Open Judging".

There are ten different shapes of pieces, and you place them on your Thoth's Puzzle with the "Configure Pieces" menu option.

"Configure Pinholes" lets you add, delete, and move pinholes. Obviously, the more pinholes you have, the more challenging your puzzle will be. The yellow pinhole is the one you have selected.

Before you can open your puzzle for judging, you must have your pieces configured so as to cover all of your pinholes. This is to ensure that the puzzle you have designed is solvable.

To make it a little easier to think about design offline (without building the puzzle), here are all the pieces you can use for covering:

Thoth-pieces-1.jpgCuriouserRandyMarch 29, 2008 2:55 pm55709
Thoth-pieces-2.jpgCuriouserRandyMarch 29, 2008 2:56 pm56536
Thoths.jpgTheMazeEchoMay 24, 2006 9:56 pm132838

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Last edited March 29, 2008 2:56 pm by CuriouserRandy (diff)