Using a shovel one can dig for dirt while one is standing on a patch of dirt. This has an Endurance timer.
What is usually called a Dig is an effort (usually by several or many people) to dig a hole, to obtain cuttable stones, medium stones, gypsum, and/or bauxite.
Visually, dirt has a texture most like sand but has a more red hue (this varies by graphics settings, and there are multiple types of dirt texture. For example with advanced terrain on, dirt has a more stonelike texture and is grey with a very small hint of red). If it looks like sand, but you cannot collect sand while standing on it, it is probably dirt.
Dirt near the western edge of the map (such as by the Fool's Paradise chariot) will produce Gypsum as well as the standard stone types.
Dirt near the eastern edge of the map will produce Bauxite as well as the standard stone types.
Tale 2 data:
Slate shovels, and shovels at quality 3000 provide 1 dig per attempt. Shovels at q9000 provide 2 digs per attempt, and shovels at q9999 provide 3 digs per attempt. The performance of intermediate or lesser shovels is random, with chances of giving the higher or lower amount varying with quality. This means 4 people with q9999 shovels can have a successful dig.
Digging is most efficiently done in groups of 2-3 people, though it may take more with bad food and shovels. Solo digging is possible with good food and shovels, but harder. (Note: I gathered 108 cuttables and and 24 medium stones on END +42 food in 22 minutes, so the efficiency of group vs solo digs later in a tale is debatable IMHO. -Eimear) If there are at least 5 stones from a hole out, and more should appear, they won't. Because of this, if too many people are digging on a single hole, the pickers simply can't keep up and most of the stones that should appear are lost.
Until the hole is completely closed, it will periodically shrink in size. Every "Dig" will expand the hole until it reaches a maximum size. So, a certain number of "digs" will be needed to maintain the size of the hole. Futher "digs" will continue to expand the hole. Once it reaches its maximum size, further "digs" will start producing cuttable and medium stones. Depending on the location, gypsum or bauxite may start appearing instead of cuttable stones after a while.
All other things being equal, a group of a certain size may be able to maintain a hole; each person beyond that minimum will contribute to production. 4 people over the minimum will produce more than 2 people over the minimum.
There IS a limit to the number of stones that can be laying around to be collected at any one time, but that number is large.
Both cuttable stones and medium stones are produced at a digging site. The ratio of cuttable stone to medium stones is around 8:1 at a hole that does not yield gypsum or bauxite. A properly run dig with good food and shovels, and diggers who are good at digging and picking when possible, can yield around 300 stones per person per hour.
Digs can last for a short or a long time, but an hour is a fair amount of time to set aside. And although you don't have to bring your own shovel, it is best to ask the dig organizer if shovels will be available - or check the dig announcement for details. Offering to help provide shovels is always nice, as it helps those in need. Bringing fireworks or even seeds along to amuse yourself and others is also optional. A fishing pole may also be useful, depending on the location and time of day.
After arriving at the dig site, the leader will often designate a "picker" or two, to retrieve the stones for dispersal later. Typically, as a digger, you will asked to move a few steps away from the dig site so as to allow the pickers easier access. Just click on the dig site, and a "Dig deeper [D]" menu will appear. Pinning it is a good strategy, as you will likely be clicking that button a lot in the next hour or two. Digging sets an Endurance timer, so you will have to wait before you can dig again. Don't be shy about talking and be sure to check for people needing their Leadership petitions signed or acrobatics worked. Remember: it's a game and even clicking on a dirt hole can be fun!
If you end up staying until the end, be sure to thank the organizer and pickers: those tend to be frantic and tedious jobs. Watch the main channel, there might be another event starting up to take advantage of the energy of the group. Work on those Acrobat Facets!
If some of the stones are to be distributed to the diggers, the leader will announce how many, what kind and what the distribution scheme is. They will likely call off names and then begin handing out the stones. If you get a stone or two, thank the leader and then move a bit out of range - this allows the distributor to see the people still in need of stones more easily. If, on the other hand, the dig was for research donations at your local University, pat yourself on the back as well for a job well done. Thanks to you, we are that much closer to a perfect society!
Big digs are very inefficient as a way to get cuttable and medium stones, but popular in some circles as social events. If you're mainly interested in getting a lot of stones in a little time, you'll want a smaller dig.
Are we sure digging at max size gives at most 1 stone? I thought I've seen 3 stones show up when I dug with a q9999... ?
(Tamutnefret) Out of hundreds of dig actions, I've never seen more than 1 stone from a single person's dig action even with quality 9999 shovels. Lag can often cause the appearance of a stone and a person's dig action to be separated by a few seconds.
As of the third telling, getting multiple stones with a single dig while digging solo is reasonably common, and when solo, it's not possible that the stones could have come from someone else digging. -Quizzical