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Dual Logging

On this page I'll try to discribe how to run 2 cleints on a windows computer at once.

First and foremost you'll need 2 accounts. Or... be married ingame and have a understanding spouse.
~1 Gigabyte of free disk space (you might not need that much but better safe than sorry)
I'm not sure on the mininum processor/memory requirements needed for this. Please add comments on this if you know.

First goto the directory where you have the atitd folder.
This will probibly be C:\Program Files

Right click on this folder and select copy. Then click on Edit>Paste you should get a new Folder in your Program Files directory called Copy of A Tale in the Desert You're done with this part. Now comes the hard part....

On your desktop right click and Select New>Shortcut once you done this you should get a popup that looks like this:

Click Browse... then My Computer>Local Disk (C:)>Program Files>Copy of A Tale in the Desert >elaunch.exe Then click Ok.

Click Next and give it a name you'll remember easily Atitd 2
Click Finish

Now right click on the shortcut you just made and select Properties.
You should now have a window like this open.

at the end of the target line you need to add the following -dynamic -udp
so you endup with something like this...

Click Ok to save your changes and close the window.

Almost done....

You'll need to create a 2nd shortcut on your desktop this time link it to My Computer>Local Disk (C:)>Program Files>A Tale in the Desert>elaunch.exe

Name it Atitd and click finish

Right click on the shortcut Atitd and select properties
you should have a window like this open:

Again at the end of the target line you need to add the following -dynamic -tcp
so you endup with this...

Go ahead and click Ok to save your changes and close the window.

You can now login with 2 accounts on 1 computer.
To do so click on the shortcuts Atitd then on Atitd 2.

atitd.jpgNarathenaDecember 22, 2006 12:38 am87261
shortcut.jpgNarathenaDecember 22, 2006 12:51 am67362
shortcut2.jpgNarathenaDecember 22, 2006 1:01 am71593
shortcut3.jpgNarathenaDecember 22, 2006 1:12 am65724
shortcut4.jpgNarathenaDecember 22, 2006 1:13 am67934
shortcut5.jpgNarathenaDecember 22, 2006 1:26 am67193
shortcut6.jpgNarathenaDecember 22, 2006 1:26 am66696

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Last edited December 22, 2006 1:31 am by Narathena (diff)