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Users > Narathena

Sept 22

Hot! Ice cost 5 to 6 dollars per 10 pounds up from 2.50 last week. FEMA left the area but those that are on restricted incomes are in trouble, thank you fedral government. The statum is filled with trucks and supplies that where never delevered to the distubution points, I guess it'll be left there to rot.

Sept 19th


Sept 18th

Hurricanes stink..... Ike took out most of the power in Houston. Ok over 90% Carden is letting me play with his blackberry to keep me occupied won't work for long but I get to play for abit. A day or 2 without AC is one thing but a week or longer without ice cream I swear this is going to have me in a really bad mood. Yes I'm being childish in this but darn it you try and sort through your medicane cabinet at 4"10' in the dark and tell me how long you want to act like a adult.




current level = 14 Student of Silly Things



Initiate Student Prentice Journeyman Scribe Master Sage Oracle
Architecture X X
Body X
Art X
Harmony X
Leadership X
Thought X
Worship X


12 moves \o/ o.0

Move Facets Move Facets Move Facets
Asian Influence 6 / 7 Inverted Pushups 7 / 7 Run in Place 6 / 7
Bicycle Kick 6 / 7 Jump Split 4 / 7 Side Bends 5 / 7
Broad Jump 7 / 7 Jumping Jacks 7 / 7 Somersault 6 / 7
Cartwheels 7 / 7 Kick-Up 7 / 7 Squat Thrust 7 / 7
Cat Stretch 5 / 7 Leg Stretch 6 / 7 Squats 6 / 7
Clapping Push-Ups 7 / 7 Lunge 6 / 7 Toe Touches 6 / 7
Crunches 7 / 7 Pinwheel 6 / 7 Wide Squat 5 / 7
Greek Bridges 7 / 7 Push-Ups 7 / 7 Windmill 4 / 7
Handplant 3 / 7 Rear Squat 7 / 7
Handstand 7 / 7 Roundoff 6 / 7

Perfect Teachers: starga, puffs, Ailec, Pyramidis, Jomali

Great Teachers: BuddyC, Balthazarr, grizzelda, Ahmeni, Amanti, Chraishe, Barhi, Petrux, Fara, Niankanet, Molar, Kartaj, Annara

Pretty Good Teachers: Kulatai, Lilin, Pixbo, Gehnar, Xindi, Squiranha (thank you for teaching me 2 moves! PU IPU), Tethys,

Perfect Students: Elea, Hogan, Jomali, Annara

Can Make

Acid/Salt and Sheetglass Atm I don't have a home of my own, so if you want any of these things made contact me and I'll come out to your guild/home compound and make them, please note I will need the materials to make any of these and the building to be TEMPORARILY opened to public use. Once I am done I will tell you and you can close the buildings.

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Last edited September 22, 2008 10:26 pm by Narathena (diff)