And if you want to see the full rundown on who did what, check out the full point spread HERE
First off -- This is not the Halloween version of the game. This game of Are You a Werewolf is player run, and will be close to an online version of the standard rules with "points" being awarded to round out the system and allow a tournament style of play. You may also know this game as "Mafia".
Event begins on2007/04/22 12:00 UTC.
"Are you a Werewolf?" is a game of secrets and You vs. Them. You are secretly either a Villager, Werewolf, or Seer -- and they each have their own role and abilities. Noone knows what role the other players play, and the game is essentially Werewolves versus all. Depending on participation the plan is for this to be a small tournament style game with the winners of each "village" moving on to the next round. The entrance fee to play is 35 boards and 60 bricks for each player for materials to build the guildhalls which will be used as each village.
"Are you a Werewolf?" is a game of social interaction based around lying, deceit and social engineering. As such, this will be a no drama zone, and anyone taking part in the game will be expected to be stabbed in the back and form and break alliances as it suits them with no effect on the rest of Egypt. There will likely be a lot of sore feelings, but those who participate are asked to please keep those feelings from spilling over into the rest of Egypt. You have been asked politely. This is a dirty game. If you don't wish to take part in a dirty game of lying -- please do not participate.
If you wish to play this event please deposit at least 35 boards and 60 bricks in one of the following chests--
And please join the guildhalls at each of those locations. Thank you!
1415, -871 in Karnak near the CS
1691, 3705 in Upper Egypt near the CS
Each village will be between 9 and 13 players, starting with an odd number. Out of those players there will be assigned two werewolves and one seer -- the rest will be just plain villagers. The moderator will chat each player individually to notify them of their role for this game before we begin actual play and tell each of the werewolves who the other werewolf is. After confirming with the werewolves and seer that they understand their roles, they will begin play in the guild chat.
Werewolves are attempting to kill off the village. The village is trying to save itself from destruction by killing off the werewolves. The seer is a villager, as well -- he just has mystical powers to aid him (and the village, by extension).
The First Night: The Seer will be given a vision by the Moderator. In a private chate between the two, the Seer may ask about one fellow villager. The Moderator will then tell the Seer if that player is a Werewolf or Villager. The Moderator will double check that each Werewolf knows who the other Werewolf is.
The Moderator will then announce "It is day. The village wakes up. Chat freely. You have one hour."
Each Day: Daytime is very simple; all the living players gather in the village and lynch somebody. The mob wants bloody justice. Each day will last no more than 1 hour.
As soon as a majority of players (more than half) vote for a particular player to die, the Moderator announces the death and announces that player's role and everyone finds out whether they've lynched a human, a werewolf, or (oops!) the seer.
If the players are unable to agree upon who to lynch within the alloted hour the Werewolves will get to kill two villagers that night. This will give the Werewolves a tremendous advantage, and if you are a villager, it is best to avoid this at all costs.
Night begins again by the Moderator announcing "It is night. The village goes to sleep. Please STOP all chatting."
The Follwing Nights: The Seer recieves a vision, just like the first night. The Werewolves chat privately with the Moderator until they can agree upon a person to kill during that night. Once they have reached an agreement the Moderator then announces in the village chat "It is day. The village wakes up and finds <Insert Player Name> is dead. Chat freely. You have one hour."
There are no restrictions on speech. Any living player can say anything he wants -- truth, misdirection, nonsense, or bareface lie.
Dead players may not speak at all. As soon as the sun comes up and the moderator indicates that someone is dead, he may not speak for the rest of the game. No dying soliloquies allowed. Similarly, as soon as a majority vote indicates that a player has been lynched, he is dead. If he wants to protest his innocence or reveal some information (like the seer's visions), he has to do it before the vote goes through. Speaking when dead will not be tolerated and you will be removed from the guild and disqualified if you do so. Dead players will be allowed to stay in the guild tab, to watch the game unfold -- but they may not speak. This includes in private messages -- yes, I know you can't regulate that, but if you want to be honest and want to keep others honest, tell the other players not to do it if they try to. If you want to take a screen capture of them having chatted you with game information, it will also be a disqualification. Simple claims and chat logs will not be accepted as "proof" of intended cheating. If you are dead and would like to be removed, please let the moderator know, and they will see to it that you are removed shortly.
Once a player is lynched, night falls and the cycle repeats. The werewolves (or werewolf) secretly select someone to kill, the seer (if alive) secretly learns another player's status; then the sun rises, one player is found dead, and the remaining players begin to discuss another lynching. Repeat until one side wins.
If a player must quit the game, they are considered the next lynching victim, automatically. If the same player quits a second time during the tournament they will be disqualified from play and that second round will be reset with no points awarded. This round can count towards your 3 games played if you are unable to compete in other rounds.
Mules are not welcome in this event as it upsets the player balance. Player support of whether or not this rule is being followed would be appreciated. We can not create a perfect and uncheatable environment for this event, but all efforts are being made to make it fair.
The werewolves win if they kill enough villagers so that the numbers are even. (Two werewolves and two humans, or one werewolf and one human.) At that point they can rise up and slaughter the villagers openly.
Speaking after you are declared DEAD will result in disqualification from the event.
Speaking more than 1 minute after Night is declared will result in a 1 point deduction from your overall score each time it occurs. More than 2 such infractions will result in a disqualification.
The seer is trying to throw suspicion on any werewolves he discovers, but without revealing himself to be the seer (because if he does, the werewolves will almost certainly kill him that night, since he's the greatest threat to werewolf national security.) Of course the seer can reveal himself at any time, if he thinks it's worthwhile to tell the other players what he's learned. Also of course, a werewolf can claim to be the seer and "reveal" anything he wants.
The only information the villagers have is what other players say -- and who dies. Accusing someone of being a werewolf is suspicious. Not accusing anyone is also suspicious. Agreeing with another player a lot is suspicious, and therefore so is pretending not to agree with another player. Never voting to kill a particular player is very suspicious for both of them -- unless it's the seer who knows that player is innocent.
The total number of overall winners is impossible to predict due to the group nature of the game. Prizes will be divided into small lots for selection by relative ranking in the overall structure of other players. Lots will be divided and numbered and a distribution method will be decided upon after a rough number of expected players is found Saturday evening or Sunday morning before play begins.
You are encouraged to look at the current prize pool. Donations are welcome and encouraged.