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Events > Mysterious Event > Hieroglyphs

O25:O41:O25 = DOOR TO THE HEAVENS (or DOOR TO ASCEND)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have found the monolith glyphs on every university in the land. This leads me to believe that they are just art and NOT important for solving the VoK mystery. See the attached files for images from a Uworship... some of our mystery glyphs are clearly visible. the Ktisbos glyphs remain a mystery, and this page will remain up for any other hieroglyphic mysteries to come. ~ThePheonix

Monolith information

All numbers here refer to Gardiner code, a comprehensive way to codify hieroglyphs. The program OpenGlyph and Hieropreter found by ThePheonix are great and a must have for anyone wanting to look into these images.

The Monolith in Valley of the Kings, have two sets of images, we use the left side to ensure consitant information and flow of work is preformed, however the right side is useful to us. The right side is a mirror image of what is stated on the right side. So for example the Top-Left is mirrored to the Bottom-Right set, and the Bottom-Left is mirrored to the Top-Right set.

Only the Left sets is translated (even thou the Top-Right set is the correct direction for the Bottom-Left.) Also, it is likely that the entire tablet is meant to be read together, so be sure to examine not only meanings for the top left, but also the top-left connected to the top-right.

Top-Left set

Top and one of the following numbers refers to the symbol in this slot:
1 2
3 4
5 6

Gardiner Code
D58 Q7
x1 V31
M17:M17 O24:N26
Okay. Too bad V4 makes more sense in a... grammatical sense :) -TP

Bottom-Left set

Bottom and one of the following numbers refers to the symbol in this slot:
1 2
3 4

There is no Gardiner Code for the missing symbol, but it is known, it has been seen before!
Gardiner Code
O49 V7
M2 V24
(D36-D42) ??

Translated to letters [Egyptian] - Upper case letters (ABC) are different from lower case letters (abc)
niwt Sn

A few more notes about reading hieroglyphics.
Often read right to left, not left to right.
Sentance structure is Verb Subject Object Adverb, so: I hit him is wrong, hit I him is right.
Adjectives tend to follow the noun, not preceed it: blue ball is wrong, ball blue is right.

Comments, Ideas, Speculation, etc

Partial translations: Top line (both parts) place(of the) hot city/region earth-set


Just was at Ktisbos' camp, and found several barrels covered in glyphs... some of them very clear and prominent.

Glyphs are, from left to right

V26 D58, G37, N18 (plural)

Which translates to...

best fit is "rejoice, humpback commoners!"
Something Ktisbos would say... but... not helpful.
Another possibility involves placing sheet metal in... something..

There's also another barrel COVERED in glyphs... see attachments.

BigGlyphBarrel1.jpgThePheonixMarch 4, 2008 9:14 am228104Barrel shot #1
BigGlyphBarrel2.jpgThePheonixMarch 4, 2008 9:15 am249201Barrel shot #2
BigGlyphBarrel3.jpgThePheonixMarch 4, 2008 9:15 am231779Barrel Shot #3
BigGlyphBarrel4.jpgThePheonixMarch 4, 2008 9:15 am224980Barrel Shot #4
Bottomleftuniversity.jpgThePheonixMarch 5, 2008 2:25 am6683Bottom Left Glyphs on a University
KtisbosBarrelGlyphs.jpgThePheonixMarch 4, 2008 6:02 am194553Glyphs on Ktisbos's narrel
Possiblebottomleftglyphs.jpgThePheonixMarch 3, 2008 5:38 pm4701Possible redone bottom glyphs
Possibletopleftglyphs.jpgThePheonixMarch 3, 2008 5:37 pm6913Possible redone top glyphs
bottomglyphs.jpgAnokFeroMarch 4, 2008 2:09 pm6103Images of what is agreed as being the glyphs on the Monolith
monolith.jpgBalourHothoMarch 5, 2008 12:41 am61201A close up of the lower text on the monolith from a slightly clearer angle
pryamidtype.jpgAnokFeroMarch 4, 2008 2:51 pm11865Images of the pryamid type Glyphs
schoolGlyphs.jpgBalourHothoMarch 5, 2008 3:57 am21478Hieroglyphs on VoK Schools
topglyphs.jpgAnokFeroMarch 4, 2008 2:12 pm9136Images of what is agreed as being the glyphs on the Monolith
upperleftuniversity.jpgThePheonixMarch 5, 2008 2:23 am24030Upper Left Glyphs on a University

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Last edited July 7, 2008 10:18 pm by ThePheonix (diff)