* Required : Calico, Fuzzy * Negative identified :Green, Phosphorescent, Spongy
Mushrooms :
* 4 Colt's Foot * 7 Dueling Serpent
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here.
* Required : Mottled, Reticulated, Spongy * Negative identified : Crackly, Green, Hairy
Mushrooms :
* 1 Sand Spore * 1 Cobra Hood * 2 Earth Light * 3 Dung Rot * 4 Salt Water Fungus * 5 Colt's Foot
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here.
* Required : Fuzzy, Mottled, Reticulated * Negative identified : Green, Prickly, Spotted
Mushrooms :
* 4 Brain
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here?.
* Required : Dry, Slimy, Striped * Negative identified : Mottled, Reticulated, Phosphorescent
Mushrooms :
* 3 Slave´s Bread
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here.
Moss requirement: 6
* Required : Crackly, Dry, Phosphorescent * Negative identified : Green, Reticulated, Spotted
Mushrooms :
* 2 Catnip * 5 Eye of Osiris
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here.
* Required : Calico, Hairy, Prickly * Negative identified : Fuzzy
Mushrooms :
* 5 Scorpion Brood * 7 Nefertari Crown * 4 Salt Water Fungus
* Required : Fuzzy, Smelly, Spotted * Negative identified : Green, Hairy, Striped
Mushrooms :
* 4 Colt's Foot * 2 Earth Light * 4 Toad Skin
* Required : Calico, Spotted * Negative identified : Dry, Fuzzy, Striped
Mushrooms :
* 1 Nature's Jug * 5 Peasant Foot * 4 Toad Skin
* Required : Crackly, Spongy, Spotted * Negative identified : Hairy, Smelly, Stripped
Mushrooms :
* 1 Bleeding Hand * 2 Colt's Foot * 4 Heart of Ash
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here.
* Required : Calico, Phosphorescent, Prickly * Negative identified : Crackly, Green, Fuzzy
Mushrooms :
* 6 Acorn's Cap * 2 Nature's Jug * 1 Pool of Tranquility
* Required : Dry, Fuzzy, Reticulated * Negative identified : Slimy, Smelly, Striped
Mushrooms :
* 5 Colt's Foot * 7 Hairy Tooth
Data here Toxin Of Dry Fuzzy Reticulated
* Required : Fuzzy, Prickly * Negative identified : Green, Mottled, Phosphorescent
Mushrooms :
* 1 Fish Hook * 2 Nefertari Crown * 4 Toad Skin * 5 Pool of Tranquility * 6 Earth Light * 3 Sand Spore
* Required : Calico, Green, Spotted * Negative identified : Hairy, Mottled, Phosphorescent
Mushrooms :
* 1 Dung Rot * 1 Earth Light * 2 Eye of Osiris * 7 Scorpions Brood * 7 Toad Skin
* Required : Calico, Mottled * Negative identified : prickly, green, reticulated
Mushrooms :
* 1 Razor's Edge * 2 Bleeding Hand * 4 Cobra Hood * 4 Nature Jug * 3 Heaven's Torrent * 4 Peasant Foot
* Required : green, prickly and smelly * Negative identified : slimy spotted reticulated
Mushrooms :
* 3 Scorpions Brood
* Required : green, spongy and striped * Negative identified : fuzzy phosphorescent prickly
Mushrooms :
* 2 Acorn's Cap * 5 Salt Water Fungus * 6 Scorpions Brood * 7 Toad Skin * 7 Dueling Serpents
* Required : dry, fuzzy & hairy * Negative identified : green mottled prickly
Mushrooms :
* 3 Nature's Jug * 5 Dueling Serpents
* Required : Calico, crackly, prickly * Negative identified : fuzzy, spongy, striped
Mushrooms :
* 1 Acorn Cap * 7 Dead Tongue * 4 Dueling Serpent * 1 Sand Spore
* Required : Dry, Spongy & Spotted * Negative identified : Calico, Crackly & Striped
Mushrooms :
* 2 Dueling Serpent * 6 Slaves Bread
* Required : Dry, Phosphorescent & Prickly * Negative identified : Green, Slimy & Spotted
Mushrooms :
* 5 Heart of Ash * 2 Heavens Torrent * 7 Natures Jug * 1 Salt Water Fungus
* Required : Mottled & Spotted * Negative identified : Phosphoresent, Prickly & Smelly
Mushrooms :
* 5 Earthlites
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here.
* Required : Fuzzy, Hairy & Prickly * Negative identified : Crackly, Mottled & Phosphoresent
Mushrooms :
* 7 Cobra Hood * 6 Iron Knot
* Required : Phosphoresent & Prickly * Negative identified : Dry, Fuzzy & Smelly
Mushrooms :
* 2 Acorns Cap * 5 Bleeding Hands * 1 Brain
Please put data on crosses using this recipe here.
* Required : Dry, Fuzzy & Spongy * Negative identified : Crackly, Hairy & PricklyMushrooms :
* 6 Brain * 1 Colts Foot * 2 Earthlites * 6 Salt Water Fungus * 5 Scorpions Brood
* Required : Fuzzy, Phosphorescent & Slimy * Negative identified : Reticulated, Spongy & StripedMushrooms :
* 5 Acorns Cap * 2 Colts Foot * 4 Earthlites * 5 Eye of Osiris * 6 Heavens Torrent * 3 Iron Knot * 5 Ra's Awakening
* Required : Mottled & Striped * Negative identified : Dry, Prickly and SpongyMushrooms :
* 7 Brain * 1 Earthlites * 1 Peasant Foot * 6 Razors Edge * 1 Sand Spore * 7 Toad Skin
* Required : Hairy, Prickly & Spongy * Negative identified : Fuzzy, Mottled & SmellyMushrooms :
* 5 Brain * 5 Cobrahood * 6 Dead Tongue * 4 Hairy Tooth * 6 Peasant Foot
* Required: Crackly and Mottled * Negative: Dry, Spongy, or SpottedMushrooms:
* 2 Iron Knot * 3 Nature's Jug
* Required: Crackly, Phosphorescent, and Prickly * Negative: Calico, Green, StripedMushrooms:
* 6 Acorn's Cap
* Required: Fuzzy, Hairy, Spongy * Negative: Slimy, Smelly, or StripedMushrooms:
* 1 Dead Tongue * 3 Eye of Osiris * 5 Peasant Foot * 6 Sand Spore
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