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Gene Placement


Mutagenics is a form of crossbreeding which rearranges the genomes on flower bulbs, vine cuttings, and flax seeds and wheat. You can learn the Mutagenics tech at level 14 at the University of Thought. A mutagen swaps one letter in the genome sequence from the parent on the left splint in the greenhouse with a genome letter from the sequence of the parent on the right splint. There are apparently many, many possible mutagens for which we will need to discover the recipes, and each will do something slightly different. The results can be quite interesting - drastic changes in color/size of flowers, for example.

Note: It is possible also to cross wheat grains via mutagenics, though it works a little differently. There is the option to place up to 1k grains of wheat on each splint in the greenhouse. Deohotep, when testing, tried 100 grains per splint and was returned one grain per splint. Presumably, adding more grains will yield more than one per splint, but right now this is unknown.
Note:: I believe this is for crossing with nuts. I have used 1/1 with mutagens and got back 1/1, however when crossing with Nut's using 1/1 I got failures and the suggestion to use more grains -Aberdon

IMPORTANT: Once your mutagenics lab has been fed a recipe, it will start producing that mutagen, and it will not stop for a RL month. You *can* change the lab to a different recipe, but not until after it has stopped running. Once started, a mutagenics lab will produce ~8 drops of the mutagen daily for a month.

Trading for Mutagens

There are a number of people willing to trade mutagens for other mutagens (or sometimes other resources). Since this list was getting a little long, I've moved it here:

Mutagen Traders

Using Mutagens

A mutagenic cross is accomplished by applying a drop of a mutagen to two flower bulbs (or vines or wheat or flax seeds) in a greenhouse. Once you have placed your two parent items on the greenhouse splints, you will need to find the "Apply a Mutagen" option on the main greenhouse menu instead of using the "Initiate the Crossbreed" button.

One minute after you apply the mutagen you will be alerted in Main that your cross is complete, and you can plant the items normally.

Three big differences (fun!) from normal crossbreeding:

What to Expect

One thing to note is that the mutagens make their changes to the genes of the items crossed - not directly to the obvious physical characteristics. The implication of this is that what happens to your flowers depends on what their genes are like. Some physical changes will be minor. Some changes will be huge. And a physical change that happens on one color/size of flower will not necessarily happen on another. In a cross done using two of the same rose bulb, a mutagen might alter the size of one flower or darken the stamen. That does not mean it will do the same thing to a different rose bulb.

You can have plenty of fun simply crossing things without ever looking behind the curtain at the genetics, but in order to be able to predict what changes will happen with your items, you need to know what the genes of items are *and* what the mutagen you plan to use does to them. This takes solvents a-plenty.

Researching New Mutagen Recipes

Read this bit before you waste your materials! =)
Each uni with Mutagenics unlocked will have one recipe to be researched at a time for *all* of Egypt (which means three possible recipes right now, since three regions have it unlocked). If someone else has already figured out one region's current recipe and is simply waiting for the right type of moss to complete it, you're flushing your resources down the toilet if you also try to research it.

If you have questions about whether this is the case at present, /join MMR or E! in game, and ask there. Most likely, someone looking at these channels will be able to tell you.

Mutagen Researchers! Please indicate below which mutagen you are currently working on. If we can keep this table current, it will save us time/materials/frustration. =D

Current Mutagen Research location Current Researcher Date Started Notes
Kush by UThought-join Equitos Lakes to use Mebala
7L by UThought-join Equitos Lakes to use Ariella
UE #5
Khartoum by UThought-join Equitos Lakes to use Ariella 2-8-08

In order for your research to remain valid, you will need to continue to take your results to this same uni so they are evaluated against the same recipe each time.

These are some absolutes you can and cannot find out from the hints given at the University of Thought each time you turn in your failed mutagen attempt:

It always tells you how many moss attributes are missing.
It always tells you if you have a negative moss attribute but never how many negative attributes or which are negative.
It always tells you if you have moss quantity too high or too low.
It always states if types of recipe shrooms are missing, but never the exact number of types missing or specify the names of those missing. "At least one required kind of mushroom is missing." is the best you get.
The most of any recipe mushroom that can be used is 7. Bulk compares the total number of shrooms used in a recipe attempt to the total number of shrooms needed in the actual recipe but not how many for any particular mushroom needed in a recipe.


Before beginning to discover a mutagen in a particular region please register above to avoid duplicating efforts and wasting resources. Thanks!

Make sure to have around 100 Water in Jugs, 20-50 Salt and 20-50 Quicksilver, 20 of each type of single attribute Moss and 20-50 of each type shroom in your Items before starting of the easier 19 shrooms. The other 9 will be referred to as the 'evil' 9. Dump all shrooms and moss in a chest. The idea for this strategy is to maximize the time involved in learning the recipe and to maximize the salt/quicksilver vs shrooms used and minimize the chances of error while adding shrooms.

First attempt click on the Mutagenics Lab:

You will begin figuring out moss attributes one by one on each subsequent attempt, which are the critical or negative or neutral attributes. The first attempt will tell how many total moss attributes there are unless the moss attribute you use initially happens to be one of the positive ones. See First possible analysis message. This first attempt will initially see how many total type shrooms there are in the recipe. See Sixth possible message, but be aware that the shroom you use might be one of the needed recipe shrooms in the correct quantity, thus lowering the numer of required mushroom types by 1.

First possible analysis message:

"The moss is missing Xnumber of critical attributes."
'Xnumber' will tell you exactly how many attributes the current mutagen recipe will need unless you have added a moss with a/some critical attributes. (It would be recommended using only single attribute mosses like calico moss not calico,spotted moss, so you know if that attribute is critical) If this message is missing you have found a needed attribute for the recipe in the moss you added. Otherwise, try another single attribute moss and see if the last Xnumber lowers by 1 if you are using a single attribute moss. Once you have all the critical and negative attributes discovered, just use green moss so as not to waste resources as you work on the shrooms and ignore the moss messages.

Second possible message:

"The moss has some attribute which is destroying the potency of the mutagen."
You only receive this message if the moss attribute/s include a negative attribute/s. Another reason to use a single attribute moss so it is pinpointed. If you used a multi-attribute moss you will have to try with each single attribute moss until you receive the message again.

Third possible message:

"You are not using enough moss." This message will always appear unless you have added the correct quantity of moss. If it does not appear it only means you know the correct quantity of moss for the recipe and not which moss attributes. If it still appears, add 1 to the number of debens of moss until this message disappears. Then go back to 1db of moss so as not to waste.

Fourth possible message:

"At least one required kind of mushroom is missing."
You will receive this message if one or more required mutagen recipe mushrooms are missing (it tells you if types of shrooms are missing, not how many of any type or how much Bulk shrooms are missing). It never tells you how many are missing. If this message is missing then you have all the required mushroom types in your current recipe mushroom attempt.

Fifth possible message:

"The total bulk of mushrooms present is not sufficient/too much."
Bulk compares the total number of mushrooms used in a recipe attempt to the total number of mushrooms needed in the actual recipe but not how many for any particular mushroom needed in a recipe. As your list of possible tries reduces, note when it changes from too much to not sufficient. This will give you a hint later, when you find your required mushrooms, as to what total recipe amount of shrooms it will be. ie - If you put 20 bulk of shrooms in this attempt and it says you have too much, then it means the bulk is 19 or less.

Sixth possible message:

"Xnumber of the required mushroom types are present in the wrong quantity."
'Xnumber' tells you how many required mushroom TYPES you will need to find for the current recipe, but not how many of each required mushroom you need or the total Bulk of shrooms. It also tells you that the quantity of each of the required mushrooms is not correct. So as you find each required mushroom, add 1 to the quantity of that shroom on each mutagen recipe attempt until Xnumber is reduced. The max of any shroom in a recipe shroom is 7. So when you know all but one of your recipe shrooms, and the bulk required (or very close to the exact amount from carefully watching the fifth possible message as it changes) then you can know the amount of the last recipe shroom (or very near it).

Once you've received this information, it's time to go home and try again. It's a bit of a puzzle and may take quite a few tries before you succeed.

After the initial attempt to establish how many moss attributes needed and how many recipe shrooms needed, use 2db of the next alphabetical single attribute moss, and 1db of each of the 19 'easy' shrooms.

On subsequent tries, continue increasing the debens of moss if not enough (Third Possible Message) and trying the next alphabetical single attribute moss and noting if it decreases the First Possible Message or prompts the Second Possible Message as a Negative attribute type. Continue increasing the amounts of the batches of 'easy' shrooms until the Sixth possible message Xnumber reduces, 3db of each of the 'easy' shroom types up to a max of 7db.

If the Sixth possible message reduces in Xnumber compared to your last try then you need to narrow down which of the shroom types is a recipe shroom by cutting in half the number of types of shrooms you just tried and keeping the deben amount the same. You can continue increasing deben amount of moss and changing single attribute moss types, though. Keep halving the number of shroom types for maximum information vs waste of materials until you narrow it to the exact shroom. Make sure to keep the number of debens the same while narrowing down.

When all the positive and negative moss attributes are discovered you might just use 1db of green moss on subsequent mutagen recipe attempts while you finish discovering the rest of the shrooms and their quantities needed.

Once the recipe is correct, use a lab at home (not at the research compound), and that lab will begin producing the recipe and will immediately produce one drop. IMPORTANT *Take this drop to the UThought you've been working with for verification so that the university will move on to a new recipe for research.*

Once this is done, anyone can reproduce the recipe in their own lab. Don't forget to add your new recipe to this page!

Known T3 Mutagen Recipes

Please note: once you start your mutagenics laboratory making any recipe, it will continue to run for a RL month and cannot be changed in that time; to change recipes, you will have to wait the full month for the lab to stop. It's a good idea to choose carefully which mutagens you make for this reason, or if it might be better to wait for a new recipe.

Recipes by Region

This list was getting a little hard to read because it's so long, so I've broken it into regions:

And since I'm such a visual little bugger, I wanted to put this in chart form for easier reading:

Mosses Needed to Complete New Recipes

These mosses are currently required in order to complete the active recipe in these regions. Remember that it can have anything other attributes along with the first three.
Region Moss Must Have Moss Cannot Have
Seven Lakes Crackly, Hairy, Spongy Green, Slimy, Striped

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Last edited September 5, 2008 7:09 pm by Ariella (diff)