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Mutagen Recipe Crib Sheet

This is intended to be a handy reference. Though I've tried to keep it error-free, I can't guarantee it.

You should always consult the recipes linked from the main page to verify before attempting.

Please note that it *is* possible for mosses to have harmful stats beyond what is listed below, and it does not matter what order you add the mushrooms.

Whoever researched LE #21-24 didn't record the full data on the LE page and didn't record the proper data for LE #23 here (this person put 'HT' instead of specifying 'HvT' or 'HrT' for the mushroom type). I attempted the recipe with HrT, and it failed, so I'm assuming the proper recipe uses HvT. If someone verifies this, please add the data both here and on the cheat sheet page. ~Calixes

Recipe Namesake Moss Cannot Have These Traits Mushrooms Needed
Karnak #1 7 Calico, Fuzzy Green, Phosphorescent, Spongy 4 CF, 7 DS
Karnak #2 6 Mottled, Reticulated & Spongy Crackly, Green, Hairy 5 CF, 1 CH, 3 DR, 2 EL, 1 SS, 4 SWF
Karnak #3 7 Fuzzy, Mottled & Reticulated Green, Prickly, Spotted 4 Br
Karnak #4 2 Dry, Slimy & Striped Mottled, Reticulated, Phosphorescent 3 SvB
Karnak #5 6 Crackly, Dry & Phosphorescent Green, Reticulated, Spotted 2 CN, 5 EoO
Karnak #6 3 Calico, Hairy & Prickly Fuzzy 7 NC, 5 ScB, 4 SWF
Karnak #7 6 Fuzzy, Smelly & Spotted Green, Hairy, Striped 4 CF, 2 EL, 4 TS
Karnak #8 3 Calico, Spotted Dry, Fuzzy, Striped 1 NJ, 5 PF, 4 TS
Karnak #9 5 Crackly, Spongy & Spotted Hairy, Smelly, Striped 1 BH, 2 CF, 4 HoA
Karnak #10 5 Calico, Phosphorescent & Prickly Green, Crackly, Fuzzy 6 AC, 2 NJ, 1 PoT
Karnak #11 1 Dry, Fuzzy & Reticulated Slimy, Smelly, Striped 5 CF, 7 HrT
Karnak #12 7 Fuzzy, Prickly Green, Mottled, Phosphorescent 6 EL, 1 FH, 2 NC, 5 PoT, 3 SS, 4 TS
Karnak #13 6 Calico, Green & Spotted Mottled, Hairy, Phosphorescent 1 DR, 1 EL, 2 EoO, 7 ScB, 7 TS
Karnak #14 7 Calico, Mottled Prickly, Green, Reticulated 1 RE, 2 BH, 4 CH, 4 NJ, 4 PF, 3 HvT
Karnak #15 7 Green, Prickly & Smelly Slimy, Spotted, Reticulated 3 ScB
Karnak #16 1 Green, Spongy & Striped Phosphorescent, Fuzzy, Prickly 6 ScB, 5 SWF, 7 DS, 7 TS, 2 AC
Karnak #17 7 Dry, Fuzzy & Hairy Green, Mottled, Prickly 3 NJ, 5 DS
Karnak #18 5 Calico, Crackly & Prickly Fuzzy, Spongy, Striped 1 AC, 7 DT, 4 DS, 1 SS
Karnak #19 7 Dry, Spongy & Spotted Calico, Crackly, Striped 2 DS, 6 SvB
Karnak #20 3 Dry, Phosphorescent & Prickly Green, Slimy, Spotted 5 HoA, 2 HvT, 7 NJ, 1 SWF
Karnak #21 5 Mottled, Spotted Phosphorescent, Prickly, Smelly 5 EL
Karnak #22 3 Fuzzy, Hairy & Prickly Crackly, Mottled, Phosphorescent 7 CH, 6 IK
Karnak #23 2 Phosphorescent, Prickly Dry, Fuzzy, Smelly 2 AC, 5 BH, 1 Br
Karnak #24 4 Dry, Fuzzy & Spongy Crackly, Hairy, Prickly 6 Br, 1 CF, 2 EL, 6 SWF, 5 ScB
Karnak #25 2 Fuzzy, Phosphorescent & Slimy Reticulated, Spongy, Striped 5 AC, 2 CF, 4 EL, 5 EoO, 6 HvT, 3 IK, 5 RA
Karnak #26 2 Mottled, Striped Dry, Prickly, Spongy 7 Br, 1 EL, 1 PF, 6 RE, 1 SS, 7 TS
Karnak #27 6 Hairy, Prickly & Spongy Fuzzy, Mottled, Smelly 5 Br, 5 CH, 6 DT, 4 HrT, 6 PF
Karnak #28 3 Crackly, Mottled Dry, Spongy, Spotted 2 IK, 3 NJ
Karnak #29 6 Crackly, Phosphorescent & Prickly Calico, Green, Striped 6 AC
Karnak #30 2 Fuzzy, Hairy & Spongy Slimy, Smelly, Striped 1 DT, 3EoO, 5 PF, 6 SS
KH #1 7 Calico, Dry & Striped Crackly, Fuzzy, Spongy 1 CF, 3 DS, 2 EoO
KH #2 1 Hairy, Prickly Crackly, Mottled, Slimy 1 EoO, 1 TS
KH #3 7 Crackly, Fuzzy & Green Prickly, Spongy, Striped 5 DT, 5 EL, 2 FH, 6 ScB, 6 SWF
KH #4 6 Hairy, Spongy & Spotted Reticulated, Smelly, Striped 4 AC, 4 Br, 5 TS
KU #1 6 Calico, Crackly & Spongy Dry, Phosphorescent, Slimy 3 BH, 6 CH, 2 DT, 2 EL, 5 HrT, 1 IK, 1 NC
LE #1 3 Crackly, Green & Reticulated Dry, Hairy, Striped 4 CF, 6 DS, 2 EL, 1 FH, 4 HrT, 5 NJ, 4 SvB
LE #2 4 Hairy, Striped Fuzzy, Slimy, Spotted 1 DR, 2 EoO, 4 HoA, 2 PF, 2 SvB, 1 TS
LE #3 4 Fuzzy, Smelly & Spongy Dry, Mottled, Spotted 5 FH, 1 HrT, 7 IK, 3 NC
LE #4 5 Crackly, Green & Striped Mottled, Prickly, Reticulated 4 IK
LE #5 2 Prickly, Slimy & Striped Crackly, Reticulated, Spotted 3 IK
LE #6 4 Crackly, Reticulated & Spongy Dry, Fuzzy, Hairy 1 SvB
LE #7 1 Dry, Fuzzy & Spotted Mottled, Smelly, Spongy 7 AC, 2 CH
LE #8 1 Phosphorescent, Spongy & Striped Dry, Fuzzy, Spotted 4 DS, 4 FH, 5 NJ, 1 PoT, 6 SWF, 5 TS
LE #9 3 Phosphorescent, Spongy Hairy, Slimy, Striped 1 CH, 5 CF, 6 EoO, 1 FH, 1 NC
LE #10 6 Crackly, Mottled & Slimy Calico, Green, Smelly 7 DT, 5 HvT, 4 SvB
LE #11 3 Hairy, Mottled & Phosphorescent Green, Slimy, Striped 7 AC, 2 CH, 1 EL, 6 HoA
LE #12 4 Dry, Phosphorescent & Spongy Fuzzy, Mottled, Smelly 3 NJ, 7 CF
LE #13 6 Reticulated, Smelly Crackly, Slimy, Spongy 2 DT, 4 EL, 4 RE, 7 SS
LE #14 4 Prickly, Spongy & Spotted Hairy, Slimy, Striped 5 BH, 7 HvT, 4 RA, 4 TS
LE #15 7 Dry, Fuzzy & Striped Green, Mottled, Phosphorescent 2 EL, 7 HvT, 3 PoT, 4 PF
LE #16 7 Spongy, Spotted Hairy, Mottled, Phosphorescent 7 AC, 3 Br, 6 CH, 4 HoA, 2 PoT, 1 SWF
LE #17 7 Dry, Striped Green, Phosphorescent, Smelly 4 CF
LE #18 7 Fuzzy, Prickly & Reticulated Calico, Smelly, Spotted 2 CF, 7 DR, 3 HoA, 1 RE, 1 SWF, 2 SS
LE #19 3 Fuzzy, Spotted & Striped Green, Mottled, Reticulated 7 EL, 2 HrT, 2 PF, 2 ScB, 6 SvB
LE #20 4 Dry, Fuzzy & Smelly Calico, Hairy, Striped 1 AC, 4 DS
LE #21 3 Fuzzy, Spongy & Striped Crackly, Hairy, Spotted 7 CF, 1 DS, 3FH, 5 HoA, 7 IK
LE #22 3 Green, Spongy Dry, Fuzzy, Smelly 3 EL, 3 NC, 2 PoT, 4 RE
LE #23 6 Calico, Green & Phosphorescent Dry, Fuzzy, Hairy 3 HvT, 2 RE
LE #24 1 Prickly, Reticulated & Spotted Fuzzy, Smelly, Spongy 1 AC, 4 NC, 6 PF
LE #25 2 Fuzzy, Phosphorescent & Spotted Crackly, Prickly, Reticulated 4 DT, 5 DS, 1 EL, 3 HvT, 2 SS
LE #26 2 Spongy Hairy, Spotted, Striped 4 AC, 4 DS, 1 IK, 2 SWF, 6 SB
LE #27 1 Green, Prickly, Spotted Crackly, Hairy, Spongy 7 CH, 5 DT, 6 EoO, 6 HvT, 6 PF
LE #28 7 Fuzzy, Prickly, & Slimy Dry, Phosphorescent, Reticulated 4 BH, 4 DT, 7 FH, 6 HoA, 4 PF
LE #29 2 Calico, Mottled, Striped Phosphorescent, Reticualted, Spotted 7 HoA
LE #30 3 Calico, Green, Prickly Hairy, Reticulated, Striped 4 SWF, 2 ScB
LE #31 5 Prickly, Spongy, Striped Dry, Fuzzy, Phosphorescent 1 TS, 5 CF, 7 BH, 5 EoO, 7 FH, 3 PF
LE #32 3 Calico, Green, Mottled Crackly, Prickly, Spongy 4 CN, 3 DR, 7 PoT
7L #1 6 Reticulated, Smelly & Striped Dry, Phosphorescent, Slimy 4 AC, 5 CH, 7 EL
7L #2 7 Calico, Green & Smelly Mottled, Prickly, Spongy 3 AC, 1 DR, 1 EoO, 3 HrT, 7 HvT
7L #3 4 Dry, Green & Prickly Crackly, Fuzzy, Smelly 1 CH
7L #4 7 Reticulated, Slimy & Smelly Crackly, Fuzzy, Spongy 7 DT, 7 EL, 2 NJ, 2 ScB, 6 PoT
7L #5 2 Calico, Fuzzy & Hairy Crackly, Green, Mottled (In Progress)
UE #1 4 Mottled, Prickly Crackly, Fuzzy, Spotted 2 DR, 2 DT, 1 ScB, 3 NJ
UE #2 3 Slimy, Spongy (Unsure - see UE recipe for info) 7 CF, 5 DR, 3 EoO
UE #3 4 Green, Slimy & Smelly Calico, Hairy, Prickly 1 AC, 4 CF, 4 DS, 6 HvT
UE #4 6 Hairy, Phosphorescent & Spotted Reticulated, Spongy, Calico 4 EoO
UE #5 1 Crackly, Prickly & Smelly Green, Phosphorescent, Reticulated 2 DS, 6 SWF
UE #6 5 Crackly, Hairy & Spotted Green, Reticulated, Slimy 7 CN, 1 EL, 5 IK, 4 HvT, 7 SWF
UE #7 7 Dry, Fuzzy Calico, Smelly 1 BH, 4 DS, 5 EL, 1 PF, 6 SWF, 1 SvB, 6 TS
UE #8 1 Crackly, Hairy & Reticulated Dry, Prickly, Spongy 5 AC, 1 Br, 3 HrT, 4 PF, 2 PoT, 4 ScB
UE #9 3 Dry, Hairy & Prickly Crackly, Reticulated, Striped 2 CN, 6 EoO, 5 HvT, 6 RA, 6 SWF, 3 SS, 5 SvB
UE #10 3 Dry, Hairy Phosphorescent, Slimy, Striped 4 BH, 6 HvT, 6 NJ, 5 SwF, 5 SvB, 7 TS

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Last edited July 5, 2008 4:09 am by Telanoc (diff)