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Guilds > Egyptian Lottery Commission > Drafts > Proposed Charter

This is the charter for the Egyptian Lottery Commission. Lathord, founding elder and author of this charter, remains in charge of the Commission and all acts performed by it. The charter was written on (date)


The Egyptian Lottery Commission is a for profit business, and the commission may use guild resources in any manner deemed appropriate (generally to advance Egypt as a whole). The guild is divided into two classes of membership: Executives (ranked Elder, Patriarch, and Fellow), and general members (ranked Kinsman, Member, Associate, and Initiate). This document uses "guildies" to include both executives and general members, and "members" to mean non-executive guildies.

Members are welcome to monitor guild chat and express opinions; however, the executives are solely repsponsible for decision making and guild operation.

Lottery and Raffle rules

The guild will run a number of lotteries and/or raffles both of its own creation and on behalf of a sponsor. Each event will have its own policy for participation and awarding prizes; there is no 'standard' set of lottery rules except for these two conditions:

Privileged information

Only executive members are allowed access to the accounting behind the lottery and raffle events. Any attempt to manipulate the system using this "inside" information will result not only in removal from the guild, but the creation of a permanent notice display in prominent location detailing the acts committed. Prospective executives are warned to decline promotion if access to this information (for themselves or their spouses) would be too tempting.

Spouse Policy

All spouses are automatically granted access to the guild at the same level as their mate, and will always hold the same rank. The guild makes no distinction between spouses, and any promotions (or expulsions) will automatically be imposed on the other. This specifically includes listing of criminal actions if the policy on Priviledged Information is violated. Married elders have only a single vote.

If you do not trust your mate, do not join this guild.


Anyone may become a general member of the Egyptian Lottery Commission. There is a membership fee equal to the cost per person of a guild 150 members larger the the current size. Currently, the guild is of size 10, so the membership fee is 321 boards and 641 bricks. This fee means that when it becomes time to grow the guild, we already have the materials to do so.

If a member's actions are deemed inappropriate or objectional by an executive, he or she will receive a warning. Failure to heed the warning is cause for immediate expulsion of the member and any spouse from the guild with no refund of membership fees. Readmitance to the guild may be allowed by consent of the executives, but new membership fees will be required.

As a reminder, our spouse policy means that married applicants must pay two application fees, and you will be expelled from the guild if your spouse is and vice-versa. If you become a member while single, and later marry, you are expected to pay a membership fee for your spouse as soon as feasible.

Please note that while general members can monitor guild chat and observe guild activity, they will not have access to the private wiki nor to the detailed accounting of guild events.

Membership Ranks

Executive Officers

Executive membership is by invitation only, and no fee is charged. The executives are responsible for ticket sales, prize delivery, inventory audits, and other guild operations. In most cases, executives are paid from guild funds for their actions. The exact duties and pay of the exectuve ranks are described in following sections, but briefly:

Guild Resources

The guild will maintain a number of chests for various purposes and with varying visibility and usage rights. It will frequently be necessaray to transport material between chests, or from outlying regions to Seven Lakes; patriarchs shall determine when resouce movement is needed; fellows shall generally be the ones to transport material. The guild will maintain a number of kitchens; these may be used by executives for any purpose, but a common anticipated use is storing carry food.

Prize Display Chests

Event prizes shall be displayed in Seven Lakes. Depending on the size of the prize, multiple chests may be required. These chests are useable only by Elders, but may be viewed by anyone.

Payment Chests

These chests hold payment for ticket purchases. They come in a variety of sizes to accomodate varying costs of tickets and size of purchases. All payment chests will be visible to and stashable by the public and useable by fellows or higher. Payment chests will have a label with a letter code determined as follows:

Region Small Large Huge
7L A J S
Karnak C L U
Sinai G P Z
Tanis H Q @
UE I R #

Vault Chests

Each region will have a vault (possibly comprising multiple chests). In addition, Seven Lakes will have central vaults corresponding to the various regions. The major purpose of the vaults is to store processed orders. Patriarchs are responsible for keeping a running total of the expected contents of all vaults, and the vaults may be audited at any time. Vaults are stashable by fellows, useable by patriarchs, and not visible to the public.

Storage Chests

The guild may have additional chests for executive use and miscellaneous storage (for example, herb storage for carry recipies). In most cases, these chests will be public stashable, fellow accessible and not visible to the public.

Duties and payment for Fellows

Each time a fellow tranports material within a region, he or she will be credited with one hour of work. Each time a fellow transports material between another region and Seven Lakes, he or she will be credited with two hours of work.

Fellows are paid every two weeks. At the end of each pay period, kinsmen and executives of the guild will have a days worth of discussion on the value to paid for the following two weeks per hour of credit. At the end of the discussion, elders will set the price.

Duties and payment for Patriarchs

Patriachs shall process ticket sales. Prospective customers will usuaully annouce a desire on Channel 7; Patriachs should open a chat window with the customer, allocate an order chest in the appropriate region, verify payment, and issue a ticket.

Patriachs will be paid a commission set by Elders (currently 3% per sale).

Patriarchs are also responsible for keeping track of the contents of the regional vaults, and determining (and posting to the private wiki) when material needs to be transported between chests or to Sevel Lakes. Usually a Fellow performs the actual transportation, however Partiarchs may do so if convenient (they will *not* receive the hourly pay for doing so).

Payment for Elders

Elders have access to all guild funds. They are expected to work in the best interests of the guild. It is in the guild's best interest to have a strong and vibrant egypt. Elders may also take a personal salary determined by themselves not to exceed five times the highest paid patriarch.

While Patriarchs are normally responsible for ticket sales, Elders may handle customers if no patriachs are availble. They may also tranport materials if no patriarchs nor fellows are available. These actions will not recieve compensation.


Any grievance with a fellow should be referred to an patriarch for resolution. Grievences with patriarchs are to be referred to an elder. Grievances with an elder shall be taken the guild master (currently Lathrod). Grievances with the guild master may be taken to Miceless's public channel (Channel 7). Under no circumstances should grievances be made public unless the follow through this chain. Please give us a chance to correct problems before making them a public affair.

Veto power

Any decision made by the guild members may be vetoed by 2/3 of the elders expressing a veto. Lathrod, as founder, may also veto any decision for as long as he remains an elder.

Interpretation of this contract

Any member of the egyptian community can demand that a rule be interpreted. The people authorized to interpret this contract are egyptian members that have attained the title of Demi-pharaoh and is not a member of this guild and has never been a member of this guild. Any part of this contract may be ruled invalid by a majority concensus of said Demi-pharaohs and will override any opposition including that of the elders or Lathrod.

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Last edited August 12, 2006 7:35 am by Yendor (diff)