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Guilds > Good Intentions > Recipe Data

This is where you should put useful tables and data for buildings with complex operation, such as beer kettles, vineyards, etc.

Beer Kettles

Guild CP (842, -4226)

Sealing at 2400
Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-74 Mold-23 Yeast-88 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-7 Yeast-43 Mold-71 Yeast-2 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-36
Sealing at 1800
Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-53
Sealing at 1200

Hybrid Vine Data

Eigam Iron

StateTend Method Acid Color Grapes Quaity Skin Sugar Vigor
Vines are sagging a bit:Spread out the vines-3-3-111310-8
Leaves are Wilting:Shade the leaves-2-1417313-5
A musty smell can be detected:Pinch off weakest stems4-215111-11
Stems look especially Fat:Tie vines to trellis43215-3-2-2
Rustling in the Breeze:Spread out the vines2-111526-6
Grapes are starting to shrivel:Pinch off weakest stems43418-19-2
Leaves Shimmer with Moisture:Trim lower leaves14-115-18-14

Eigam Copper

State Tend Acid ColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigor
Sagging Tie the vines to the Trellis-21458-3-10
WiltingShade the Leaves-2-112562-5
Musty smellSpread out the Vines115-127-1
Especially fatShade the Leaves-2-15581-2
Rustle in the breezeTrim the lower leaves129-126-1
Starting to shrivelPinch off Weakest Stems4366-58-2
Shimmer with MoisturePinch off Weakest Stems 30-1881-5

Tedra's Tannin

State Tend Acid ColorGrapesQualitySkinSugarVigor
Sagging Mist the grapes-354-214-6-3
WiltingPinch off the weakest stems-2-17311-2-11
Musty smellShade the leaves150-1167-7
Especially fatTrim the lower leaves780296-1
Rustle in the breezeTrim the lower leaves2663-16-1
Starting to shrivelSpread out the Viens518-1121-2
Shimmer with MoistureShade the leaves 417402-13

Vineyard State Progression

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Last edited April 1, 2007 8:09 am by Sarna (diff)