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Guilds > Good Intentions

Good Intentions is a guild of players who are members of the forums.

Our guild hall is located at 836, -4155 in Kush, on the east bank of the west branch of the Nile. Our compounds are located slightly to the south of that.


Our guild compound is SouperGrrl's main compound, which is where we have much of our crafting equipment.


BUREM spent his entire day charting out his character's particular paint quirks, and he is now the resident paint-master.

See the link to the page above!

New folks, read up: There is a plague in the land! Click here to read about it!

Big news: We got ANOTHER Vineyard and a compound full of Barrels at 960, -3677. I'm gonna throw a cornerstone in it, so it's safer. Just walk east of the CS for about 45 seconds. Right by the limestone patch.

However, we STILL need charcoal primarily, so we can smelt our ore and make more great stuff.

So please, please, go gather wood and drop it in our boxes, or take the plunge and learn to make charcoal!

Useful Guides:

For those looking to join an interesting chat channel, a new guild has been made that should be more along our lines than straight regional chat: "The Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy (The Hive) is an Egypt-wide chat channel with NO MEMBERSHIP FEE. *Rough or coarse* conversation is encouraged. The *only* restrictions for membership is that you are a paid account. Do /info The Hive for more information. With over 200 members already and room for 300, you get to chat with people through out the land. Come see us in Seven Lakes, right across from The Goods." It was started by Deeva, the wonderful lady who gave us all of YamiJedi's old vineyards. She wanted me to pass on the word, so it would be nice for some us to join and show our thanks.

New players, read the thread on the Games forum, but also follow some super-cool guides on here.
NewPlayer This new player guide is really awesome for getting some perspective early on. Read it and grow.
Clicky This is a ten minute walkthrough for the Principles of Worship initiation. Good stuff!

Feel free to add tons of stuff to this page, anyone and everyone. The below guides will help!
Style Guide

Did you know that every test that you can do also has a corresponding principle?
Basically, this suggests that if you, say, build the biggest Obelisk and pass the test, you'll get two levels at once!
Some of the principles are pretty darn easy, especially compared with the Tests. Don't fear them! Read this guide:

Useful Smelting Tip: The best proportion for a smelting block is 96 ore to 80 charcoal, if you want to maximize ore use. For maximizing charcoal use, use 22 charcoal instead. Check out the below chart to make sense of it all.

Ore Charcoal Time (min) Metal Cost (cc/metal) Cost (ore/metal)
93 22 12 7 3.14 13.3
94 27 17 8 3.37 11.8
95 35 25 9 3.89 10.6
95 48 38 10 4.80 9.5
96 80 70 11 7.27 8.7

Compound.jpgChinookMarch 1, 2007 12:44 am76692Our guild compound.
NewCompound.jpgChinookMarch 25, 2007 12:21 pm76947-

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Last edited April 10, 2007 2:07 pm by Gabe (diff)