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Guilds > Sunset Express > Gearboxes

Gearbox Market Baskets as of 7 August 2006

Sunset Express updates these prices every few days. We will honor these prices or the prices at The Goods, as you prefer.

Design and Production Fee in GoodScript

Commodity Sell Value in GS
brass 2 257.631
charcoal 5 119.528
iron 20 1,901.029
Total 1 2,278.188

Gearbox Price (a representative 7 Medium Gears plus 7 Small Gears, actual prices will vary)

Commodity Sell Value in GS
brass 14 1,713.684
charcoal 35 816.618
iron 140 9,898.042
Total 1 12,428.344

Sunset Express designs will rarely include a Large Gear, and we do not inventory them. If one is required for an Empty Hand Tower, for example, the price can vary quite a bit depending whether a Large Gear can be purchased somewhere, or if we have to fire up the Master's Casting Box.

Quarry Market Basket - Turnkey Contracts Only

Commodity Sell Value in GS
boards 100 1,400.415
pulley 2 458.037
rope 15 476.180
slate 85 3,042.851
grilled carrot 25 617.158
tadpoles 20 0
Total 2 5,994.641

Attuning to a particular Marble takes 10 Slate, with a perception of 1 or more, which can be provided by a Grilled Carrot. Prospecting uses an average of 35 Slate (there is a 15 Slate contingency) and 24 more Grilled Carrots. Building the Quarry itself requires an additional 25 Slate.

Gearbox Assembly Table Market Basket - Turnkey Contacts Only

Commodity Sell Value in GS
boards 280 3,622.432
nails 56 813.001
Total 2 4,435.433

The Gearbox Assembly Table has a 16x17 footprint, and it must be built in a compound.

Gearboxes - Terms and Conditions

Sunset Express will contract for the following services.

Design Verification - No Fee

Sunset Express will design a specified Gearbox and verify it on a Gear Assembly Table. We will tell you the number of Shafts, Medium Gears, and Small Gears required for a well designed gearbox. You are encouraged to shop around or build the gearbox yourself if you can match our design and have the necessary materials. There is no fee for this service.

Design Huristics and Examples - No Fee

Gear Box Assembly - Self Service

A Gearbox Assembly Table is not expensive. Only 280 Boards and 56 Nails, so you should have one in your own compound.

Gear Train Details - Design Market Basket

If you prefer to build your own gearbox, to avoid delivery fees for example, but can't match our verified design, we'll provide the gear train for a Market Basket fee of approximately 2000 GoodScript. In other words, using our design will save you money, even after the payment of our design fee.

Build a Gearbox - Gearbox Price Market Basket

If you authorize Sunset Express to build the specified gearbox, we'll provide the entire gearbox at the Market Basket price of the materials, plus the quantities in the Design Market basket. In effect, this approach discounts the Design Fee by about 10%. A typical fee for a three-output gearbox specification is 12,500 GoodScript.

Deliver a Gearbox - Urgent Delivery Fee

We will expedite the delivery of your gearbox and other items, to a maximum weight or bulk of 300 debens, for the Market Basket delivery price.

Turnkey Quarry Contracts - Payment in Marble - Limit of 3 Quarries per Customer

Sunset Express will contract to provide all materials for a Quarry with two 3 output gearboxes, help you find a quarry, explain the required techniques, build the Quarry, and help you lift the first several pieces of marble.

Sunset Express regards this service as an investment in a future customer, there is a limit of 3 Turnkey Quarries per customer.

The cost of this service is the total of the Market Baskets for the Quarry, the Gearbox Assembly Table, the materials for two 3 output gearboxes, and delivery to your location. If you wish to reduce the cost of a Turnkey Quarry Contract, you may provide any or all of the required materials, with the exception of the Travel Fees.

For this service, and for this service only, Sunset Express will accept payment in Marble. Your only obligation is approximately 3 hours of your time, and you will have the remainder of the Marble in the Quarry to use as you wish.

Secondhand Gearboxes - Buy Back at 50% of New Value

As Gearboxes don't wear out or degrade, Sunset Express will first attempt to satisfy your specification from available inventories. Regardless of the actual gearbox that's provided, the price will be for the best known design that meets your specification.

Our Guarantee


If you wish to provide some or all of the actual gears that are needed for the gearbox, the price of the Payment Market Basket will be reduced accordingly. As script for TM (Travel Minutes) is not yet available, Sunset Express will accept payment for the difference in accordance with the Payment Market Basket that is detailed at Sunset Express.

Payment in Marble - Only for Turnkey Contracts

Commodity Sell Value in GS
mud granite 3 20,000.000
oyster shell marble 9 20,000.000
white travertine 9 20,000.000
yellow alabaster 12 20,000.000

Sunset Express regards Turnkey contracts as a business development tool. You will need to take 10 Slate and a Grilled Carrot to the SArch and attune to the Rocks Of The Ages of your choice. Sunset Express will provide everything, including the Slate and Grilled Carrots.

Turnkey Contracts, and only Turnkey Contracts, may be paid for with Marble. Our fee for the marble prospecting training, the materials for prospecting and building a Quarry, two 3-output gearboxes, and help with the first several pulls on the quarry, is the first several blocks of marble that are lifted the the Quarry.

Your only investment is your time, and the remainder of the marble in the quarry belongs to you. There is a limit of three Turnkey Quarry Contracts per customer.

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Last edited September 2, 2006 5:03 pm by MarvL (diff)