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Build the 7L Sphinx (2008/08/18)


Finish off a large portion of the remaining mats for the 7L Sphinx

Contest Rules

  1. Create a chest in the designated area <see below>
    1. Make it Stashable
    2. Label it <Insert Your Name> Contest Chest
    3. Assign it to ThePheonix
  2. Check the stella for updated requirments
    1. TP will be checking at least every 12 hours and updating requirments. Mats will only count for points if the stella still has a value for the resource. (In other words, you're fine if you donate over the amount before TP checks and updates, but not after!)
  3. Submit mats for points! (see below)
  4. Turn in points for prizes of your choice (see below as well)
  5. Contest starts NOW
  6. Contest Is over(However, TP will continue to honor donations for points for a 'second round')
    1. We'll hookah after while ThePheonix tallies final points!
  7. Some prizes are limited (like the huge gems)... a fair distribution system will be determined.

The Designated areas will be an area roped off by the Mailroom - Ap


Contestant Points
Tlanthil 8642
Heptka 1687
Jenefre 4391
Sebine 1482


Item remaining points
Clay 196521.71
Slate 8680 2.4
fine glass rods 233 150
silver powder DONE 1.31
saltpeter DONE 2
cabbage juice DONE1.5
copper DONE 3
iron 6335 3
iron ore 63350 .75
carrots DONE 1.5
sulfur DONE 3.17


Item Cost
Silk Cloth 1200
Strong Potash ointment 4000
Doping Powder 3000
Huge Diamond 9000
Huge Ruby 8000
Huge Emerald 7000
Huge Quartz 6000
Marble of your choice Cost to increase as rarity increases (eg. OSM ~750, Tangerine Marble ~4000)
Shrooms I have some of everything... rarer shrooms will cost more (slaves bread will be ~5 :P)
Spanner Wrench 5000
Spanner Wrench Template 1000
Silkworm Farm kit 5000
Something Else? Make a suggestion!

Cooking Supplies for Silk Contest (2008/08/06)


RESUPPLY the Guild Cooking stores

Contest Rules

  1. Create a chest in the designated area <see below>
    1. Make it Stashable
    2. Label it <Insert Your Name> Contest Chest
    3. Assign it to Aperio
  2. Submit more of each cooking supply than anyone else!
  3. Submit more varieties of cooking supplies than anyone else!
  4. Contest starts IMMEDIATELY
  5. Contest ends Sunday (2008/08/10) at 3pm CST Edit(Tl): Assuming you mean North American CDT, that's
    2008/08/10 20:00 UTC
    1. We'll hookah after while Aperio and ThePheonix tally the winners

The Designated areas will be an area roped off by the Mailroom - Ap


  1. Participation
    1. ONE Raw Silk for each DISTINCT variety of cooking supply you submit
  2. Quanity
    1. TWO Raw Silk for each variety of cooking supply in which you supply the MOST resources
  3. Uniqueness
    1. TWO Raw Silk for each variety of cooking supply in which you supply the ONLY resources
  4. Overall (not cumulative)
    1. FIVE Silk Cloth to the participant who supplies the MOST UNIQUE resources
    2. THREE Silk Cloth to the participant who supplies the SECOND MOST UNIQUE resources
    3. ONE Silk Cloth to the participant who supplies the ANY UNIQUE resources
  5. Incremental (arbitrary)
    1. Aperio will consider each daily submission and at his discretion award a daily prize as well
  6. Ineligibility
    1. Guild members only (We can't support all of Egypt's silk needs!)
    2. Elders and Patriarchs and Sponsor are ineligible for prizes IF there are three or more participants (get your neighbor from the compound involved!)


What do I get for supplying the only Garlic, for example?
You would be awarded for participation (distinct variety), quantity (most), and uniqueness (only) for a total of 5 Raw Silk
Indirectly, you would also get 1 Silk Cloth for participating and having submitted ANY UNIQUE resource, but that's for overall participation rather than for each item - Ap

What counts?
Livestock products, grains, herbs, herb seeds, mushrooms, vegetables, coconut products, and Test products (oyster meat, cocoa, other?). If I've missed something, ask!

Tlanthil proposed this outstanding rule of thumb: If the kitchen gives you the option to mix it, it counts. Herb seeds are an exception to this rule. - Ap


Contestant Raw Silk Earnings Overall Daily Winner Add'l Silk Cloth Prizes
Babali 12
Bartoshep 209 2nd Place Unique - 14 Day 2 5
Heptka 256 Some Unique - 1 Day 1 split 2
Jenefre 53 Some Unique - 3 1
Jzalae 89 Some Unique - 6 Day 4 3
Sciencemile 23
Tlanthil 952 1st place Unique - 118 Day 1 split 6
Tpeyra 168
ElSangre Day 3 (special) 2

Over 95k db collected
Total prizes of 36 Silk Cloth and 12 Raw Silk

Some funny results include 10 Abjdu Fish being unique, no more than 130 camel meat being donated by any one person, and only 1 oxy submitted for the entire contest. - Ap

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Last edited August 26, 2008 7:06 am by ThePheonix (diff)