Location: Kush 763, -3234
(Just south of the U Body in Kush at the land bridge)
Art Center now open!
Anyone is welcome to add their art and puzzles to the area.
Just /chat Zreyas to arrange a time to open the cp to place what you need to.
Guild Hall now Holds 28/50 Members
Prospecting: Prospecting is the same as it was in Tale 2. Sunset/Foundry/Prospecting_For_Marble is a good writeup.
Fishing: Rare Fish Spots
Serpent and Carp (very rare)
Location: 1754,-1663 karnak 12:10 am,8:00 am
Location: 1413.-1159 karnak 11:35 pm,8:00 am
Location: 667,-8005 Khartoum 7:00 pm,5:00 am
Oxyrynchus (rare)
Location: 1528,1499 Seven Lakes 10:30pm -->
Location: 1571,7136 Lower Egypt 11:25 -->
Location: 3489,3455 Sinai 9:00pm -->
Phagrus (rare)
Location: 1505,-1326 Karnak 12:49am
Location: 4562, 2 CotS 10:30pm
Location: -2108,- 581 Fool's Par 12:00am -5:00 PM
Location: 1211, 7086 Lower Egypt 12:00pm - 2:30pm
Location: 3312, 3965 Sinai 9:00pm -->