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Users > Zreyas

Level 26



   Initiate in Lakers Mentoring Institute
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   Elder in Zreyas
   Initiate in ACRO BOOTCAMP
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   Initiate in Thought Monument
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Initation Pilgrimage Festivals Beacons Vigil Levened BreadVisions Unknown
Worship X S

Demi Pharaoh Questions and Answers to Zreyas

Zreyas: It seems that we are not all in at the saame time but , I would like to advance to the next level. If anyone else would, I would love to hear from them as well
Zreyas: hi Talos... nice to meet you
talos: You like to advance or like to try for DP?
Zreyas: I will be trying for DP this time.
Zreyas: you?
talos: I don;t have the time for DP duties
Zreyas: unfortunately, and fortunately, I do.
Zreyas: laughs... good and bad in everything I guess
talos: So you like to go for DP? Give us a small speach ;)
Zreyas: Truthfully, I could care less about the power, it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. However, I would like to pass the test, a test more for me than the game itself, and I would like to serve my community more. A position like that is .... not easy ... I'm not sure anyone is ready for that kind of thing.
Zreyas: I have been manager, owner, CEO in real life and ... positions like that are never really truly fun, but I kind of look like it as a way to serve that not everyone is cut out for
Zreyas: nothing fancy... that is it
talos: DP isn;t a test. If you need levels there are plenty other test
Zreyas: test for myself
Zreyas: I make myself grow, I put myself to the test on things that I have to stretch to do
talos: What is your opition about this tale bans?
Zreyas: I'm an odd one, no doubt. I believe that even though this is a game, there are many things to learn and grow from
Zreyas: From my experience in real life, there is no way you can make a blanket judgment on anything like temp bans or perma bans. Every person is different, every situation is different. I believe that everyone has a chance to change... if they choose not to, then of course concequences must happen.. that is life... game or real
Zreyas: every situation has to be looked into from ALL sides
Zreyas: not just from the one that is popular that says this and that... not everyone has the right perspective all the time. and they might have missed something. so all parties need to be spoken with in a situation
talos: Can you be more specific about your personal opinion for each ban?
Zreyas: after that I would definitely consult others in their opinions and look at all the options
Zreyas: each one has a purpose, each one is more appropriate for the "crime" so to speak. Sometimes a slap in the hand is all people need... put in the corner so to speak if talking and working with people doesn't work and they refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Zreyas: I don't believe in permanently taking a person out of the game, unless dire extreme cases present itself that I canno foresee.. though my mind is always open to all possibilities.... I believe they have something to learn in it as well as those around. it is life... game or real.
Zreyas: social consequences are most of the time worse than being taken out
Zreyas: like I said... no way to make a blanket judgment, every person, their problem and those involved are different
talos: If you don;t be more specific i will consider my question unanswered
Zreyas: I don't pretend to be a political man, actually don't really want to be either. I think things are simpler than most make them out to be if you just take a few minutes to think about each situation before talking. I'm more a listener than a talker... this is a stretch for me... which is why I'm testing myself in this
Zreyas: what exactly are you looking for so that I might answer your question. I cannot read minds so therefore asking.
talos: Your opinion about the bans that happened at this tale
Zreyas: Truthfully, I would have to go back and look at them and assess it. I have not been here since the beginning of the tale.
talos: ok
talos: I will wait
Zreyas: And I'm not really sure that even reading a past judgment would even be fair for me to assess.. I was not there, and reading about it is one side of the perspective.
Zreyas: Though, I will do that, you can learn from the past, however, I'm not sure it really qualifies me or disqualifies me from my fitness for the position to assess the past from one writer's assessment.
Zreyas: talk with you later... I'm needing to go to RL for the moment. take care of yourself and it was an honor to meet you Zreyas chuckles "after reading the brief synopsis of each one, I can only conclude with the lack of information that I would have to have faith in the DPs of the past for their reasons for Tale 3. There is NO way I can really give an opinion because I don't have all the information. It is unwise to make a judgment on partial information. However, the DP got where they are for a reason, people had faith in them. They had to make the decision with the best knowledge possible at the time.
Zreyas: That is never easy so I respect it and honor it.
Zreyas: As far as tale 2 bans... well the marriage thing obviously created issues due to no divorce.
Zreyas: Seems a few players took advantage of the DP power in order to reconcile
Zreyas: I hope this answers your question because that is really all I can say about past bans. I'm not going to sit in a judgment seat of the past I know nothing about any further than what I have stated :)

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Last edited October 4, 2008 9:38 pm by Zreyas (diff)