![]() | --Bug Report-- What would be ATITD without its famous bugs? This page contains a list of reported bugs. When you report a bug, don't forget to say who reports it, so the staff can contact you if needed. | ![]() | --FAQs-- Click this link will bring you to a list of frequently asked questions. It's usually good to check this list before submitting a GM call or a BugReport. Also, see the official Rules of Conduct. |
Verify all you read on the wiki. It's not official of ATITD, including this page, the FAQ and the Bugs list.
In 'A Tale In The Desert' there are various people that serve as game administrators in a volunteer capacity. Collectively these people are referred to as 'The GMs' (Game Masters). You can contact them by placing a GM Call (Special->Call a Game Master).
There are a number of different types of GM in ATITD, each of which serves a distinct and unique role within the ATITD community. They can be broadly categorised as follows:
Some GMs are very specialised in one specific GM role. Other GMs may wear a number of different hats.
Yes. Most GMs perform their role on an ad-hoc basis; when they're not dealing with GM issues, they're playing ATITD just like any regular player. Whilst this may seem unusual compared to other MMORPG games, the arrangement is something of a necessity due to the small, independent, nature of eGenesis - ATITD is very much dependent on the support and goodwill of player volunteers. Many players consider this "player GM" system to be one of the strengths of ATITD's customer service; the GMs in ATITD have a very strong understanding of the day-to-day issues faced by players, and can very easily empathise with player problems. This level of game-experience by GMs is (surprisingly) something of a rarity within the MMORPG market, and external reviewers of the game repeatedly praise the knowledge and efficacy of its GM team.
GMs may not partake in the test of the Demi Pharoah. GMs are asked to avoid competitive participation in most newly-released tests. GMs are asked not to become high-ranking players (Oracles, and potentially Sages) in disciplines where a restricted pass rate is anticipated. GMs are expected to spend time and personal resources in testing out & reproducing bugs. GMs are required to spend personal resources when fixing problems (the GMs have no way to "magically" produce objects - any items that they hand out or use in the course of their duties usually came from their own camp supplies). GMs get asked how to grow flax and find clay at least a dozen times a day :)
When recruiting GMs, eGenesis selects people that it trusts to act autonomously in the best interests of the game, and whom it believes will act fairly and responsibly during their non-GM play time. The reputation and integrity of its GM team is very important to eGenesis, and any accusations of GM "power abuse" are taken very seriously. The GM commands which could be exploited for the benefit of a GM player (or his/her guildmates) are logged, and are reviewable by eGenesis staff. If you have an issue with the conduct or behaviour of a GM, please report it - either to another GM, or directly to the developers.
The process is largely informal: when a need is identified for a new GM within a specific time-zone, applicants are usually identified on the recommendation of existing GMs. eGenesis will consider many factors when recruiting GMs, including game experience (most GMs have clocked up a bare minimum of 1,000 hours game time and 2 years experienced), strong mentoring track record (a good mentor will display many of the qualities desirable in a good GM), and good general reputation amongst the playerbase. Keep in mind that adding new GMs is quite rare.