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Laws > Slurred Speech

Slurred Speech

It seems as if wine and beer tasting events are common in Egypt, and lots of alcohol is imbibed rapidly. Therefore, may it be recommended that those who have had too much to drink have their speech slurred.

There will be no other effect than having the speech slurred (for instance, 'hello all' would appear in chats as 'heeeeelloooo aaaall'), and it could take place on the client machine, freeing the servers from the processing.

The client machine will interpret every incoming and outgoing speech under the filter, but only as it applies to the specific character. It would also only apply after a given point (such as 25% alcohol total).

This would create a greater realism in the game, without shattering the fantasy/reality barrier.

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Last edited January 27, 2008 7:20 pm by Hyksos (diff)