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Laws > Under Lock And Key

Petition by Smote (122 signatures, 4 petitioners)
Legal Opinion: Feature
Implementation Status: None

Feature Request: Under Lock and Key

Locksmiths (Trained in a new SThought skill) can create or install locks, and create or duplicate keys. Locks recognize a particular key and are attached to any building with configurable permissions to allow use by anyone with the key in their inventory. Keys are given a unique name by the locksmith when they are created, but a locksmith may create unlimited copies of that key as long as they have the master key (the original key produced, not a copy) in their possession.

Locks grant permission to a larger set of people rather than restricting permission from people who already have access. Thus a person whose guild rank allows access would not need a key, but a person who would otherwise not have access may use the building with a key. Should a building have more than one lock installed, any one of the keys or the default building access will allow use.

Locks may be set or reset to work with any key in the locksmith's inventory. To install, reconfigure, or remove a lock from a building, the locksmith must have access to modify permissions (e.g. the owner or guild elder), unless that building is a container (chest, tent, house), in which case a lock may be installed or reconfigured (but not removed) by anyone with guild permission to use it.

Last changed: June 23, 2006

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Last edited June 24, 2006 5:03 am by Smote (diff)