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Misc > Command Line Options

Command line options

These options are recognised when starting the client manually.

The following are known to work on Linux. Perhaps a Windows user could test them and also add some blurb on how to add options to shortcuts/startups?

Options Confirmed for Windows

There's nothing to say that these options will work exactly the same for Linux and Windows, or even for various windows configurations. I'd suggest keeping the lists independent. - MarvL

There's an easy way to create command line options for Windows:

Verified on Windows 2000

Definitely Linux and maybe Windows options

 -bugreport              - Sends a bug report (current un-implemented)
 -dynamic                - Tells the client that it SHOULD be running the
                           the .dynamic version. (If you are running it and dont
                           specify this or the following option, then it will
                           automatically run the static version.
 -nospawn                - Tells the client NOT to spawn a new executable
                           regardless of the one selected on the menus
 -ats                    - enable the new advanced terrain system if your card is capable (default)
 -noats                  - disables the new advanced terrain system
 -tcp                    - force the client to use TCP for its server connections
 -udp                    - force the client to use UDP for its server connections
 -800                    - starts client in 800x600 mode (default)
 -1024                   - starts client in 1024x768 mode
 -1280                   - starts client in 1280x1024 mode
 -1600                   - starts client in 1600x1200 mode 
 -height                 - Opens the game windows with the specified height
 -width                  - Opens the game windows with the specified width
 -geometry               - specifies the client geometry in Xlib format
 -ignorereset            - Causes the client to ignore the game engine reset
                           caused by scroll-lock.
                           It is useful for folks with Belkin KVM switches that
                           use scroll-lock as the attention key.
 -ignoreerrors           - Causes client to ignore ALL opengl errors.
                           NOTE: This can lead to other crashes, but may help
                           folks in some situations who were getting
                           GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY errors.
 -stricterrors           - Causes the client to abort on opengl errors rather
                           than just log them.
 -nolog                  - eliminates MOST logging in the client.
 -nosound                - disables the sound subsystem
 -browser                - Overrides the default 'mozilla' browser selection.
                           Currently support mozilla, netscape, opera, galeon, firefox
 -noext                  - disable use of all non-mandatory OpenGL extensions.
 -nonvrc                 - disable use of NVIDIA register extensions.
 -nonvrc2                - disable use of NVIDIA register extensions.
 -nofrg10                - disable use of the ARB_fragment_program extensions.
 -noprefetch             - disables prefetching of resources.  This will speed up
                           initial startup at the price of longer times to see new
                           objects, animations and sounds. (default)
 -prefetch               - enables prefetching of resources at client startup.

Definitely Linux only

 -alsa                   - forces ALSA 0.9 sound usage
 -esd                    - forces usage of ESD
 -oss                    - forces OSS sound usage 


If you want to for example play mp3s with xmms and to have sound in ATITD at the same time, start eclient with same output driver which your xmms is set using. "-oss" may be an exception, however, and not let parallel audio happen - needs to be verified how it is.

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Last edited June 11, 2006 1:25 am by AatonPulonich (diff)