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Users > AatonPulonich

Livin' the high life in Lower Egypt!



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Remember the 26th of the month—it's garlic seed factory day!

K-values scratchpad for LEAF wood treatment:

Quality Time with chemical Start value End value Calculation K-Value
Flexibility 367 seconds with saltpeter 13 61 (61 - 13)2 / (367 * 2) 2304 / 734 or 1152/367 or 3.1389645776566757493188010899183
Cuttability 551 seconds with sulfur 69 -3 (-3 - 69)2 / (551 * 2) 5184 / 1102 or 2592 / 551 or 4.7041742286751361161524500907441
Flammability 113 seconds with sulfur 29 61 (61 - 29)2 / (113 * 2) 1024 / 226 or 512 / 113 or 4.5309734513274336283185840707965
Water resistance 567 seconds with water 69 -3 (-3 - 69)2 / (567 * 2) 5184 / 1134 or 32 / 7 or 4.5714285714285714285714285714286
Insect toxicity 354 seconds with saltpeter -3 53 (53 + 3)2 / (354 * 2) 3136 / 708 or 784 / 177 or 4.429378531073446327683615819209
Human toxicity 543 seconds with water 69 -3 (-3 - 69)2 / (543 * 2) 5184 / 1086 or 864 / 181 or 4.7734806629834254143646408839779
Darkness 206 seconds with oil 13 53 (53 - 13)2 / (206 * 2) 1600 / 412 or 400 / 103 or 3.8834951456310679611650485436893
Glossiness 418 seconds with beeswax 4 69 (69 - 4)2 / (418 * 2) 4225 / 836 or 5.0538277511961722488038277511962

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Last edited October 23, 2006 3:59 am by AatonPulonich (diff)