Harvesting straight after 3 teppy-minutes yields 7 deben. Leaving it to 4 teppy-minutes sees the herb vanish forever. A quick way to do this is to switch on your time-stamps, and leave a message in main when you plant it. Then when it reads 03m, harvest using as you would normally harvest a herb (click on it, and select the tend method). Tested with five different herbs at the Karnak tower, the same durations and results were noted - SanderDolphin
On trying about 100 seeds, not one generated new seeds. - SanderDolphin
Please add your research results, ordering the list according to harvest method
Herb | Harvest method | Places where it grows | Places where it doesn't grow |
Pale Dhamasa | Cut away the outer stem | Sinai 3098, 4398 ( Pump Station ) | |
Discorea | Crush the Stems | UE aqueducts north of UWorship Kush aquaducts near CS |
Lemondrop | Pluck the leaves | Karnak 870,-1507 | |
Myristica | Pluck the leaves | Karnak 870,-1507 | |
Elegia | Scrape away the leaf hairs | UE aqueducts north of UWorship | |
Tiny clover | Scrape away the leaf hairs | 7 lakes aquaduct (first one in the row near Uharmony) | |
Primula | Scrape off the stem pith | Karnak 870,-1507 | |
Beggar's Button | Scrape off the stem pith | 950, 6561 | |
Chives | Scrape off the stem pith | 950, 6561 | |
Honey Mint | Scrape off the stem pith | 950, 6561 | |
Primula | Scrape off the stem pith | 950, 6561 | |
Red pepper plant | Scrape off the stem pith | 950, 6561 | |
Bay tree | Squeeze out the sap | Karnak 1618,-935,Sinai 2760, 4571 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1669, 1712 (aqueduct near s body) | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1679, 1792 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1690, 1678 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1700, 1661 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1709, 1644 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1698, 1628 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1689, 1611 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1670, 1608 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1650, 1610 | |
Common Rosemary | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1640, 1593 | |
Lythrum | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1621, 1592 | |
Brassy Caltrops | Cut away the outer stem | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Black Pepper Plant | Harvest the Root pith | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Blooded Harebell | Trim the Root fibres | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Lythrum | snip the leaf stems | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Buckler-Leaf | Peel back the stem base | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Chives | Scrape off the stem pith | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592, Sinai, 2760, 4571 | |
Hazlewort | Remove the Tap Root | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Medicago | Pick out the seeds | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Common Sage | Crush the stems | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Anasi | Pluck the leaves | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Blood Balm | Squeeze out the sap | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Bilimbi | Scrape away the leaf hairs | Seven Lakes 1601, 1592 | |
Drapeau D'or | pick out the seeds | Sinai 3110, 4414 | |
Bluebottle Clover | Harvest the Root pith | Sinai 2760, 4571 | |
Blue Terrafern | Squeeze out the sap | Sinai 2760, 4571 | |
Common Basil | Peel back the stem base | Sinai 2760, 4571 | |
Common Rosemary | Snip the leaf stems | Sinai 2760, 4571 | |
Crimson Lettuce | Cut away the outer stem | Sinai 2760, 4571 | |
Dark Ochoa | Crush the stems | Sinai 2760, 4571 | |
Discorea | Crush the stems | Sinai 2760, 4571 |