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Litmus Test Strips

Litmus test strips are made in a chemistry lab upgraded with glassware. With advanced chemistry 3, there are now ten types of litmus test strips: positive, negative, aromatic, astringent, bitter, salty, sour, spicy, sweet and toxic. Blank positive and blank negative litmus test strips are used for testing the most positive and negative attributes of essential compounds. The other types of litmus test strip each indicate whether the compound tested is positive (indigo, blue, light blue), negative (maroon, red, pink) or neutral (white) for that particular attribute.

You will need:

Quantities not given above will vary depending on the type of strip and the quality of the glassware and upgrades in your lab.

Making Positive or Negative Litmus Test Solution

To mix a batch of them up the following materials are required:

  1. Both: 64 water in jugs, 32 cabbage juice, 6 acid, 6 sulfur
  2. Positive: 32 saltpeter
  3. Negative: 32 cactus sap

The numbers of materials can be different depending on the lab calibration level and probably some function of the actual glassware qualities.

It definitely varies by lab glassware; I had 180/89/17 rather than 64/32/6, and it only made 30 doses (losing none) with my really junky glassware - Nefer-Bast

  1. Select the Mix menu from the chemistry lab and pin it up.
  2. Select Mix a batch... and what type you are making.
  3. If you have the correct quantities of materials on hand, it starts settling the solution, wait 5 teppy minutes.
  4. Select Check moss requirements. This will give you the a single attribute for 3 deben of moss. The attribute is randomly generated each time you make a new batch of solution. Having extra attributes on the moss has no effect as long as the requested attribute is present.
  5. Stop and read the next part very, very carefully
    1. Make sure you have either a gold wire (positive solution) or magnesium wire (negative solution) in your inventory.
    2. Make sure you are on some speed food that gives you at least 45 speed. More speed is better, 45 is the minimum.
    3. Position the 'Add moss' line of the menu you carefully, you are going to be clicking on it a lot for the next 3 minutes, and I mean a lot. If you can get it so that the 'Ok' popup can be hit with the same click all the much better. (Since you are going to be clicking faster than the speed timer you are going to be getting a lot of popups.)
  6. Add the moss, click on the menu again until the 'Stir solution' line shows up, and then start clicking on that.
  7. Click, click, click... for 3 minutes.
  8. If you were fast enough on all the stirring you now have 45 doses of litmus test solution, congratulations.

Making Specific Attribute Litmus Test Solution

Instructions are very similar as for the positive and negative test solutions. Ingredients differ:

Each solution takes:

I need 27 water and cabbage on my level 3 chem lab - TheMazeEcho ..and mine just wants 25 - MardukXIII

The following are also needed for the attribute solutions:
Aromatic - 10 powdered citrine
Astringent - 10 powdered jade
Bitter - 10 powdered ruby
Salty - 10 powdered sunstone
Sour - 10 powdered lapis
Spicy - 10 powdered topaz
Sweet - 10 powdered turquoise
Toxic - 10 powdered diamond

The solution requires a metal blue wire to stir it. If you stir fast enough, you get 22 debens of test solution.

Making Litmus Test Strips

  1. From the Prepare... menu on the chemistry lab you should be able to make litmus strips. There is no timer for this so click away.
  2. If you have no litmus strips for dipping, you can make them using the Manufacture/Papyrus strips menu. 1 papyrus paper turns into 8 papyrus strips.

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Last edited October 16, 2008 6:26 am by Jzalae (diff)