Note: These are preliminary guesses until testing can be done
A | C | G | I | Q | K | S | V | ||
Confirmed | GYR-non-O? | ||||||||
Best | OOY | RR OOY | OOO | GYR-non-O? | RYY RYYR | YRO | YYY | GRO | |
Challenged | RR | ORG | YYR | ROG OGY | ORG OOO | ||||
Rebutted | OGG | OGR OOR RGG |
+ Does not appear in Amusement, Appreciation, Distraction, or Wisdom - Aperio
+ Appears once in historical Balance research- Aperio
- Appears twice in Frivolity - Aperio
Proposed: OOY
+ Does not appear in Amusement, Appreciation, Distraction, or Wisdom - Aperio
+ Appears once in historical Balance research- Aperio
+ Appears twice in Frivolity - Aperio
+ Neither combination appears in Amusement, Appreciation, Distraction, or Wisdom - Aperio
+ Both appear twice in Frivolity but OOY is leading candidate for Acid so I favor RR- Aperio
+ ORG *IS* supported in Amusement - Aperio
+ ORG *IS* supported in Distraction - Aperio
+ ORG does not appear in historical Balance research - Aperio
+ ORG does not appear in Appreciation, Frivolity, or Wisdom - Aperio
- Distraction poses some problems for ORG as the G trait as it only appears once - Aperio
Since GG pairs with VV in Amusement, I'm inclined to think OOO is the heir apparent based upon Distraction. Particularly since OOO appears twice here when it should not if it is the V trait - Aperio
I performed a mutagen swap Amusement10G/Appreciation4Y and gave both vines an extra starting grape, 10 and 11 respectively. In Amusement, this took a useless GGR sequence and created a GYR (though there's an O following which may be at odds with my theory) and in Appreciation this created a GYR out of RYYR which should eliminate a level of Quality (which requires testing on my part). - Aperio
I missed this before. Apparently, Distraction starts with 8 grapes, so all vines have I except Distraction. Appreciation and Frivolity have II. All other annotations I've made need to add an I but I won't do so until I've tested further. Perhaps there is a -I trait or it's tied to another trait - Aperio
Historical Observation: 4 GGG gene sets in Balance and that vine has 9 grapes
Calixes#22 | Appreciation x Frivolity | 11 | ACQQS(II) | QQQ(I) x AACCSS(I) |
Calixes#23 | Frivolity x Appreciation | 12 | ACS(III) | AACCSS(I) x QQQ(I) |
Tedra#426 | Wisdom x Distraction | 11 | GGK(II) | KKK x GG |
Tedra#429 | Frivolity x Tedra#426 | 8(?!) | AACCGSS(-I) | AACCSS(I) x GGK(II) |
Teper#2 | Balance x Appreciation | 10 | QS(I) | ACQKS x QQQ(I) |
Eigam#62 | Balance x Distraction | 11 | GGS(II) | ACQKS x GG |
If I were to take a SWAG, I'd say this relates to the filler Gs on each vine. This is clearly an incomplete view, though because Appreciation has only 1 G in the whole vine. I want to see Frivolity worked on to look for commonality with Appreciation - Aperio
Another interesting question - "What is it about Balance and Distraction that causes their hybrids to exhibit the (I) trait?" - Aperio
I gave this some thought and the intuitive answer for me is that Initial Grapes coding shares 2 genes with another gene pattern such that when that pattern is tampered with, (I) emerges instead. - Aperio
My current hypothesis is that I is GYR[Non-O]. This is somewhat consistent with my intuition because YRO seems to be K... perhaps K is dominant in the case of an overlap?
Appreciation and Frivolity have GYR but not GYRO. Making Balance a left splint appears to break the O off. Appreciation x Frivolty makes sense, however, I cannot explain why Frivolity x Appreciation would have any I since it would have no GYRs. - Aperio
or GYR if something else is present - Aperio
+ RYY is supported in Appreciation - Aperio
Is RYYR legitimate despite overlapping patterns? Both Zaniac and I independently proposed this. RYYR and YYR work in all 3 vines - Aperio
YRR appears in Frivolity which does not have this trait - Aperio
- Eigam Iron QQQQSSS is estimated to be KYYYRYRYYYGGGRYYRK which falls short in all cases. Work should be done perhaps to validate Eigam Iron - Aperio
- OGG is NOT Skin. Else we would see it in Amusement. With our limited retesting, Shekylak's YRO suggestion seems feasible in all 3 vines. - Aperio
- OGG only appears once in Wisdom.
Proposed: YRO
+ Does not appear in Amusement or Appreciation - Aperio
+ YRO appears twice in Contemplation as advertised - Aperio
+ Does not appear in Distraction - Aperio
Proposed: ROG
+ Does not appear in Appreciation - Aperio
- ROG appears once in Amusement which has no Skin Trait- Aperio
- ROG appears once in Contemplation which should have two - Aperio
Proposed: OGY
+ Does not appear in Amusement or Appreciation - Aperio
- Does not appear in Contemplation which should have two - Aperio
+ Supported by historical Balance research - Aperio
+ Supported by Frivolity - Aperio
- Eigam Iron QQQQSSS is estimated to be KYYYRYRYYYGGGRYYRK. It would be missing a YYY - Aperio
- I've seen no evidence of OGR in Amusement in over 200 trials. - AperioProposed: GGR
+ Does not appear in Appreciation or Wisdom - Aperio
- Appears in Comtemplation which should have none - Aperio
Proposed: ORG
+ Does not appear in Appreciation, Contemplation, Frivolity, or Wisdom - Aperio
- Appears in Distraction which has no VV component - Aperio
Proposed: OOR RGG
+ None of these appear in Appreciation, Contemplation, Frivolity, or Wisdom - Aperio
- These appear in historical Balance research which has no VV component - Aperio
- These appear in Distraction which has no VV component - Aperio
Proposed: GRO OOO
+ None of these appear in Appreciation, Contemplation, or Wisdom - Aperio
- Do not appear in Distraction which has no VV component - Aperio
++ CORRECTION: OOO did appear twice in a full trial. Since GG pairs with VV in Amusement, I'm inclined to think OOO is the heir apparent based upon Distraction. Particularly since OOO appears twice here when it should not if it is the V trait - Aperio