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Relics List

Traders of Relics

BlueGrass and Mayanah Our Private page is up to date. Relics in BlueGrass Trophy case have been marked with * meaning they have been used to pass and no longer valid for other cases
Amrissy More relics that I have for trade that I have not listed on the Relics List
Amy Page is up to date
Shiva Page is up to date
Pandemonis Page is up to date as of Sept. 16 2008
Antigona Page is up to date as of Sept. 19 2008

Aether Flag

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Green, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Decorative McArine
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Functional McArine
Red, Large, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Valueable Sheree
Violet, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Royal Sheree
Blue, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Timeless, Decorative Ping
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Functional Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Blue, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Royal Nissim
Brown, Giant, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred RexBaron
Grey, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Decorative Shemei
Brown, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Royal Shemei
Black, Giant, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Decorative Mebala

Air of Reason

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Valueable TheMazeEcho
Pink, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred Vraitak
Yellow, Midsized, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Royal Greenish
Pink, Midsized, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Decorative Squiranha
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Valueable tlanthil
Blue, Large, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Valueable) kanara Traded with Shemei
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Welterweight, Old, Valueable Nissim
Orange, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable narkho
Orange, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Functional SunnyOne

Amusement Papers

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Black, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Decorative DuncanOfMycenae AVAILABLE
Brown, Giant, Indestructable, Welterweight, Ancient, Royal Relics
Orange, Large, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Royal Relics
Orange, Large, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique,Valueable Sheree
Black, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique,Functional Sheree
Black, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Ancient, Functional Greenish
Grey, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Sacred Greenish
White, Small, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative Nissim
Black, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Decorative tlanthil
Red, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Antique, Valueable Riazzia
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Valuable narkho
Red, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Functionnal narkho
Yellow, Giant, Indestructable, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal narkho
Grey, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Royal Shemei

Attention Grabber

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Violet , small, indestructable, welterweight, old, decorative Cathy
Yellow , large, indestructable, heavy, old, decorative Spicy flexible trade options on my page
Red, tiny, indestructable, featherweight, old, sacred Spicy flexible trade options on my page
Black, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Timeless, Functional Rym
Green, Giant, Indestructable, Featherweight, Timeless, Valuable Nitocris
Red, Midsized, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, valueable Safirah and Kaayru
Black, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Old, Royal Greenish
Yellow, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Timeless, Sacred Greenish
Red, Large, Delicate,Welterweight, Ancient, Valuable Ouijdani
Brown, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Decorative Hatnofret
Grey, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Decorative Hatnofret
Yellow, Large, Indestructible, Featherweight, Old, Functional RexBaron
Blue, Large, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Valuable Ping

Celestial Magnifier

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Pink, Small, Indestructable, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred Safirah and Kaayru
Orange, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Royal Shiva
Black, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Valuable Nitocris
Yellow, Large, Delicat, Welterweight, Old, Sacred TheMazeEcho
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Antique, Valueable Relics
Grey, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Decorative Sheree
Green, Large, Delicate, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred Greenish
Orange, Small, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Sacred Hatnofret
Pink, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Valuable RexBaron
Green, Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Ancient, Functional Shemei
Grey, Small, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Functional Shemei
Yellow, Tiny, Indestructable, Welterweight, Anciant, Valuable narkho

Dirt Pick

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Grey, Large, delicate, celterweight, Ancient, Functional DragoonWise
Black, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old , Functional Amrissy
Grey, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative TheMazeEcho
Brown, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Ancient, Valueable Relics
White, Tiny, Indestructable, Welterweight, Ancient, Royal Sheree
Red, Large, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Royal Hatnofret
Black, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Valuable Hatnofret
Red, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Functional Hatnofret
White, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Sacred Nissim
Blue, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Timeless, Decorative Greenish
Yellow, Small, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Valuable Nissim

Font of Wisdom

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Functional Osidion Traded for relic needed
Grey, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative Kleopatra
Grey, Giant. Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Valuable Nitocris
White, Large, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Decorative MardukXIII
Yellow, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal McArine
Brown, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Functional Relics
Brown, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient,Functional Sheree
Orange, Giant, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Sacred Hatnofret
Brown, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Valuable Nissim
Green, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Royal EldradUlthran Available
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Royal Hatnofret
Yellow, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Royal Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08
Grey, Midsized, Delicate, Heavy, Antique, Decorative Ay

Fortune Teller

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Red, Giant, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal Safirah and Kaayru
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Decorative Safirah and Kaayru
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Welterweight, Timeless, Sacred TheMazeEcho
Yellow, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Valueable Relics
Black, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Valueable Greenish
Blue, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred) Kanara Installed
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Royal Nissim
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Antique, Functional SunnyOne
Yellow, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Old, Decorative Nissim
Brown, Tiny, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Functionnal narkho

Holy Book

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Violet, Tiny, Indestructable, Light Weight, Ancient, Valuable Zyen
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Decorative) Nitocris
Black, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Decorative Amrissy
Blue, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Functiona Relics
Pink, Giant, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable Spicy flexible trade options on my page
Red, Small, Indestructable, Heaver, Ancient, Sacred Zatarg
Blue, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred Hatnofret
Violet, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred Hatnofret
Green, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Decorative Nissim
Black, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Functional Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Violet, Small, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Valuable narkho
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Ancient, Royal narkho
Red, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred narkho
Violet, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred Ay
Pink, Tiny, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Sacred Nissim
Red, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal SunnyOne

Jewelry Collage

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Pink, Large, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Decorative DuncanOfMycenae 21 points
Pink, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Pink, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Decorative Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
White, Small, Delicate, Lightweight , Timeless, Valueable Riazzia
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Ancient, Valueable Squiranha
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Decorative Hatnofret
Brown, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Valueable SunnyOne
White, Large, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred Oni

Land Anchor

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Violet, Giant, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Sacred RexBaron
Orange, Tiny, Indestructible, Heavy, Antique, Decorative RexBaron
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, lightweight, Antique, Valueable Safirah and Kaayru
Brown, Large, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Valuable McArine
Pink, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Anchient, Decorative ThePheonix
White, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Functional SunnyOne
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Valueable Ay

Meditation Box

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Brown, Tiny, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Functional Safirah and Kaayru
Blue, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, valuable Lindie Amy
Grey, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Sacred RexBaron
White, Large, Indextructable, Heavy, Antique, Decorative TheMazeEcho
pink, small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Royal Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Grey, Large, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Functional Relics
Yellow, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred Nissim
Orange, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Sacred Hatnofret
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Functional Traak (Willing to trade)
Green, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Valuable Nissim
Blue, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Decorative Nissim
Orange, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Old, Decorative SunnyOne

Metalic Chalice

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
green midsize, sturdy, lightweight, timeless, functional Safirah and Kaayru
Green, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Royal Safirah and Kaayru
Black, Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Valueable Kanara
Brown, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Valuable Amrissy
Pink, Midsized, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred RexBaron
White, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Valuable Amrissy
Violet, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Valuable TheMazeEcho
Violet, Giant, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Sacred Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Black, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred Vraitak
Yellow, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Royal Hatnofret
Red, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Functional Hatnofret
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Sacred Greenish
Violet, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Functional Greenish
Orange, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred Squiranha
Green, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Valuable Nissim
Pink, Midsized, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Decorative Shemei
Pink, Midsized, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Royal Oni

Odd Bone

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Yellow, Midsized,Indestructable, Lightweight,Timeless, Decorative Riazzia
Black, Tiny, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Decorative Amrissy
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred Traak (Willing to trade)
Pink, Midsized, Delicate, Welterweight, Antique, Royal Greenish
Grey, Large, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Valueable Riazzia

Portrait Collection

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Pink, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Royal Nitocris
Yellow, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Functional LadyDragonfly
White, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Functional Nissim
Violet, Giant, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Valueable Squiranha
Grey, Giant, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Decorative Hatnofret
Green, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred Traak
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Functional SunnyOne
Green, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Sacred SunnyOne
Orange, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Royal SunnyOne

Ribbon of Harmony

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Valueable Safirah and Kaayru
Red, Giant, Indestructible, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred DragoonWise
Blue, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Violet, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Royal kanara traded with Rym
White, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient, Royal kanara AVAILABLE for Trade
Brown, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal ThePheonix
Brown, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Sacred Hatnofret
Black, Small, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Royal Hatnofret
Blue, Large, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient,Valueable Sheree
Black, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient, Decorative Greenish
Violet, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Antique, Royal Greenish
Brown, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Decorative RexBaron
Black, Giant, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred tlanthil
Red, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative Mebala
Orange, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Valuable narkho
Yellow, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Royal narkho
Brown, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Decorative SunnyOne
White, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Old, Decorative Riazzia
Blue, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Decorative Riazzia

Security Prop

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Pink, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Decorative Kleopatra
Pink, Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Functional Amrissy
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Functional Relics
White, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Functional MardukXIII
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Functional Relics
Brown,Small,Indestructable,Welterweight,Antique,Valuable Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
White, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Functional Greenish
Green, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Decorative Squiranha
Orange, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Valuable Hatnofret
Brown, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable Nissim

Spreader of Delight

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred Safirah and Kaayru
Pink, Giant, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Sacred Safirah and Kaayru
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred MardukXIII
Red, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Decorative Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Pink, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Valuable Nissim
Violet, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred Nissim
Pink, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Royal RexBaron
Grey, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Sacred Nissim
Orange, Midsized, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Royal Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08
Orange, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable Nissim
Red, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred Mebala
Grey, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Decorative Ay

Strange Sundial

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Green, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Royal MardukXIII
Green, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Valueable MardukXIII
Black, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal RexBaron
Red, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Ancient, Royal Vraitak
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Royal Spicy flexible trade options on my page
Red, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Antique, Decorative Greenish
Black, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal RexBaron
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Valuable narkho
Violet, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Functional Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08

Sun Totem

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Pink, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Timelss Functional Zyen
Brown, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Antique, Valuable Riazzia
Black, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Valueable Safirah and Kaayru
Brown, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Sacred Eigam
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative Amrissy
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Decorative MardukXIII
Pink, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Decorative Greenish
Blue, Midsized, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Sacred Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08
Yellow, Midsized, Indestructible, Featherweight, Antique, Functional RexBaron
Black, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Decorative RexBaron
Brown, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred Hatnofret
Orange, Tiny, Indestructible, Heavy, Ancient, Decorative Nissim
Brown, Small, Delicate, Lightweight, Lightweight, Timeless, Valuable narkho
Black, Small, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred SunnyOne

Wrist Exerciser

Relic Characteristics Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page
Yellow, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Royal Amrissy
Violet, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Valuable Nitocris
Brown, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Decorative Relics
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Royal Riazzia
Brown,Small,Indestructable,Featherweight,Antique,Functional Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC
Brown, Giant, Indestructable, Heavy, Antique, Valueable Greenish
Black, Tiny, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Valueable Relics
Brown, Small, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Valuable RexBaron
Grey, Midsized, Indestructible, Featherweight, Old, Royal RexBaron
Blue, Large, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred tlanthil
Brown Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Functional tlanthil
Grey, Giant, Delicate, Welterwieght, Ancient, Royal EldradUlthran AVAILABLE
Black, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Ancient, Royal narkho
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Royal narkho
Red, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Royal narkho
Blue, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative SunnyOne
Green, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Valueable Riazzia
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08

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Last edited November 18, 2008 8:57 pm by LizAird (diff)