BlueGrass and Mayanah | Our Private page is up to date. Relics in BlueGrass Trophy case have been marked with * meaning they have been used to pass and no longer valid for other cases | ||
Amrissy | More relics that I have for trade that I have not listed on the Relics List | ||
Amy | Page is up to date | ||
Shiva | Page is up to date | ||
Pandemonis | Page is up to date as of Sept. 16 2008 | ||
Antigona | Page is up to date as of Sept. 19 2008 |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Green, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Decorative | McArine |
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Functional | McArine |
Red, Large, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Valueable | Sheree |
Violet, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Royal | Sheree |
Blue, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Timeless, Decorative | Ping |
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Functional | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Blue, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Royal | Nissim |
Brown, Giant, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred | RexBaron |
Grey, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Decorative | Shemei |
Brown, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Royal | Shemei |
Black, Giant, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Decorative | Mebala |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page | |
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Valueable | TheMazeEcho | |
Pink, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred | Vraitak | |
Yellow, Midsized, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Royal | Greenish | |
Pink, Midsized, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Decorative | Squiranha | |
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Valueable | tlanthil | |
Blue, Large, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Valueable) | kanara Traded with Shemei | |
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Welterweight, Old, Valueable | Nissim | |
Orange, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable | narkho | |
Orange, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Functional | SunnyOne |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Black, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Decorative | DuncanOfMycenae AVAILABLE |
Brown, Giant, Indestructable, Welterweight, Ancient, Royal | Relics |
Orange, Large, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Royal | Relics |
Orange, Large, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique,Valueable | Sheree |
Black, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique,Functional | Sheree |
Black, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Ancient, Functional | Greenish |
Grey, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Sacred | Greenish |
White, Small, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative | Nissim |
Black, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Decorative | tlanthil |
Red, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Antique, Valueable | Riazzia |
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Valuable | narkho |
Red, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Functionnal | narkho |
Yellow, Giant, Indestructable, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal | narkho |
Grey, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Royal | Shemei |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Violet , small, indestructable, welterweight, old, decorative | Cathy |
Yellow , large, indestructable, heavy, old, decorative | Spicy flexible trade options on my page |
Red, tiny, indestructable, featherweight, old, sacred | Spicy flexible trade options on my page |
Black, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Timeless, Functional | Rym |
Green, Giant, Indestructable, Featherweight, Timeless, Valuable | Nitocris |
Red, Midsized, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, valueable | Safirah and Kaayru |
Black, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Old, Royal | Greenish |
Yellow, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Timeless, Sacred | Greenish |
Red, Large, Delicate,Welterweight, Ancient, Valuable | Ouijdani |
Brown, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Decorative | Hatnofret |
Grey, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Decorative | Hatnofret |
Yellow, Large, Indestructible, Featherweight, Old, Functional | RexBaron |
Blue, Large, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Valuable | Ping |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Pink, Small, Indestructable, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred | Safirah and Kaayru |
Orange, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Royal | Shiva |
Black, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Valuable | Nitocris |
Yellow, Large, Delicat, Welterweight, Old, Sacred | TheMazeEcho |
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Antique, Valueable | Relics |
Grey, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Decorative | Sheree |
Green, Large, Delicate, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred | Greenish |
Orange, Small, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Sacred | Hatnofret |
Pink, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Valuable | RexBaron |
Green, Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Ancient, Functional | Shemei |
Grey, Small, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Functional | Shemei |
Yellow, Tiny, Indestructable, Welterweight, Anciant, Valuable | narkho |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Grey, Large, delicate, celterweight, Ancient, Functional | DragoonWise |
Black, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old , Functional | Amrissy |
Grey, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative | TheMazeEcho |
Brown, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Ancient, Valueable | Relics |
White, Tiny, Indestructable, Welterweight, Ancient, Royal | Sheree |
Red, Large, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Royal | Hatnofret |
Black, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Valuable | Hatnofret |
Red, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Functional | Hatnofret |
White, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Sacred | Nissim |
Blue, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Timeless, Decorative | Greenish |
Yellow, Small, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Valuable | Nissim |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Functional | Osidion Traded for relic needed |
Grey, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative | Kleopatra |
Grey, Giant. Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Valuable | Nitocris |
White, Large, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Decorative | MardukXIII |
Yellow, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal | McArine |
Brown, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Functional | Relics |
Brown, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient,Functional | Sheree |
Orange, Giant, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Sacred | Hatnofret |
Brown, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Valuable | Nissim |
Green, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Royal | EldradUlthran Available |
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Royal | Hatnofret |
Yellow, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Royal | Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08 |
Grey, Midsized, Delicate, Heavy, Antique, Decorative | Ay |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page | |
Red, Giant, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal | Safirah and Kaayru | |
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Decorative | Safirah and Kaayru | |
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Welterweight, Timeless, Sacred | TheMazeEcho | |
Yellow, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Valueable | Relics | |
Black, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Valueable | Greenish | |
Blue, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred) | Kanara Installed | |
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Royal | Nissim | |
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Antique, Functional | SunnyOne | |
Yellow, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Old, Decorative | Nissim | |
Brown, Tiny, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Functionnal | narkho |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Violet, Tiny, Indestructable, Light Weight, Ancient, Valuable | Zyen |
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Decorative) | Nitocris |
Black, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Decorative | Amrissy |
Blue, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Functiona | Relics |
Pink, Giant, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable | Spicy flexible trade options on my page |
Red, Small, Indestructable, Heaver, Ancient, Sacred | Zatarg |
Blue, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred | Hatnofret |
Violet, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred | Hatnofret |
Green, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Decorative | Nissim |
Black, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Functional | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Violet, Small, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Valuable | narkho |
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Ancient, Royal | narkho |
Red, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred | narkho |
Violet, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred | Ay |
Pink, Tiny, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Sacred | Nissim |
Red, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal | SunnyOne |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Pink, Large, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Decorative | DuncanOfMycenae 21 points |
Pink, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Timeless, Decorative | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Pink, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Decorative | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
White, Small, Delicate, Lightweight , Timeless, Valueable | Riazzia |
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Ancient, Valueable | Squiranha |
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Decorative | Hatnofret |
Brown, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Valueable | SunnyOne |
White, Large, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred | Oni |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Violet, Giant, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Sacred | RexBaron |
Orange, Tiny, Indestructible, Heavy, Antique, Decorative | RexBaron |
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, lightweight, Antique, Valueable | Safirah and Kaayru |
Brown, Large, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Valuable | McArine |
Pink, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Anchient, Decorative | ThePheonix |
White, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Functional | SunnyOne |
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Valueable | Ay |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Brown, Tiny, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Functional | Safirah and Kaayru |
Blue, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, valuable | Lindie Amy |
Grey, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Sacred | RexBaron |
White, Large, Indextructable, Heavy, Antique, Decorative | TheMazeEcho |
pink, small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Royal | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Grey, Large, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Functional | Relics |
Yellow, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred | Nissim |
Orange, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Sacred | Hatnofret |
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Functional | Traak (Willing to trade) |
Green, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Valuable | Nissim |
Blue, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Decorative | Nissim |
Orange, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Old, Decorative | SunnyOne |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
green midsize, sturdy, lightweight, timeless, functional | Safirah and Kaayru |
Green, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Royal | Safirah and Kaayru |
Black, Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Valueable | Kanara |
Brown, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Valuable | Amrissy |
Pink, Midsized, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred | RexBaron |
White, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Valuable | Amrissy |
Violet, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Valuable | TheMazeEcho |
Violet, Giant, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Sacred | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Black, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred | Vraitak |
Yellow, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Royal | Hatnofret |
Red, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Functional | Hatnofret |
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Sacred | Greenish |
Violet, Large, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Functional | Greenish |
Orange, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred | Squiranha |
Green, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Valuable | Nissim |
Pink, Midsized, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Decorative | Shemei |
Pink, Midsized, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Royal | Oni |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Yellow, Midsized,Indestructable, Lightweight,Timeless, Decorative | Riazzia |
Black, Tiny, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Decorative | Amrissy |
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Grey, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred | Traak (Willing to trade) |
Pink, Midsized, Delicate, Welterweight, Antique, Royal | Greenish |
Grey, Large, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Valueable | Riazzia |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Pink, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Royal | Nitocris |
Yellow, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Functional | LadyDragonfly |
White, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Functional | Nissim |
Violet, Giant, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Valueable | Squiranha |
Grey, Giant, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Decorative | Hatnofret |
Green, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred | Traak |
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Heavy, Ancient, Functional | SunnyOne |
Green, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Sacred | SunnyOne |
Orange, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Old, Royal | SunnyOne |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Old, Valueable | Safirah and Kaayru |
Red, Giant, Indestructible, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred | DragoonWise |
Blue, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Violet, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Royal | kanara traded with Rym |
White, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient, Royal | kanara AVAILABLE for Trade |
Brown, Giant, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Royal | ThePheonix |
Brown, Midsized, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Sacred | Hatnofret |
Black, Small, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Royal | Hatnofret |
Blue, Large, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient,Valueable | Sheree |
Black, Giant, Indestructable, Lightweight, Ancient, Decorative | Greenish |
Violet, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Antique, Royal | Greenish |
Brown, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Decorative | RexBaron |
Black, Giant, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred | tlanthil |
Red, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative | Mebala |
Orange, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Valuable | narkho |
Yellow, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Royal | narkho |
Brown, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Decorative | SunnyOne |
White, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Old, Decorative | Riazzia |
Blue, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Decorative | Riazzia |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Pink, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Decorative | Kleopatra |
Pink, Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Functional | Amrissy |
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Functional | Relics |
White, Tiny, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Functional | MardukXIII |
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Functional | Relics |
Brown,Small,Indestructable,Welterweight,Antique,Valuable | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
White, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Functional | Greenish |
Green, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Decorative | Squiranha |
Orange, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Valuable | Hatnofret |
Brown, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable | Nissim |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Yellow, Large, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred | Safirah and Kaayru |
Pink, Giant, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Sacred | Safirah and Kaayru |
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred | MardukXIII |
Red, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Decorative | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Pink, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Valuable | Nissim |
Violet, Small, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred | Nissim |
Pink, Large, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Royal | RexBaron |
Grey, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Sacred | Nissim |
Orange, Midsized, Delicate, Heavy, Old, Royal | Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08 |
Orange, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Valuable | Nissim |
Red, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Sacred | Mebala |
Grey, Small, Sturdy, Welterweight, Timeless, Decorative | Ay |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Green, Tiny, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Royal | MardukXIII |
Green, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Valueable | MardukXIII |
Black, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal | RexBaron |
Red, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Ancient, Royal | Vraitak |
Green, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Royal | Spicy flexible trade options on my page |
Red, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Antique, Decorative | Greenish |
Black, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Old, Royal | RexBaron |
Blue, Midsized, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Valuable | narkho |
Violet, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Functional | Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08 |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Pink, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Timelss Functional | Zyen |
Brown, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Antique, Valuable | Riazzia |
Black, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Valueable | Safirah and Kaayru |
Brown, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Sacred | Eigam |
Violet, Small, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative | Amrissy |
Blue, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Decorative | MardukXIII |
Pink, Small, Delicate, Welterweight, Ancient, Decorative | Greenish |
Blue, Midsized, Indestructable, Lightweight, Old, Sacred | Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08 |
Yellow, Midsized, Indestructible, Featherweight, Antique, Functional | RexBaron |
Black, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Old, Decorative | RexBaron |
Brown, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred | Hatnofret |
Orange, Tiny, Indestructible, Heavy, Ancient, Decorative | Nissim |
Brown, Small, Delicate, Lightweight, Lightweight, Timeless, Valuable | narkho |
Black, Small, Delicate, Featherweight, Timeless, Sacred | SunnyOne |
Relic Characteristics | Owner - Link it to your personal requirements page |
Yellow, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Royal | Amrissy |
Violet, Large, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Valuable | Nitocris |
Brown, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Old, Decorative | Relics |
Grey, Midsized, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Royal | Riazzia |
Brown,Small,Indestructable,Featherweight,Antique,Functional | Robare WILL TRADE FOR ANY RELIC |
Brown, Giant, Indestructable, Heavy, Antique, Valueable | Greenish |
Black, Tiny, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Valueable | Relics |
Brown, Small, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Valuable | RexBaron |
Grey, Midsized, Indestructible, Featherweight, Old, Royal | RexBaron |
Blue, Large, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Sacred | tlanthil |
Brown Tiny, Sturdy, Welterweight, Antique, Functional | tlanthil |
Grey, Giant, Delicate, Welterwieght, Ancient, Royal | EldradUlthran AVAILABLE |
Black, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Ancient, Royal | narkho |
Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Old, Royal | narkho |
Red, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Antique, Royal | narkho |
Blue, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative | SunnyOne |
Green, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Antique, Valueable | Riazzia |
Orange, Tiny, Delicate, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative | Latonas Relics Will Trade for any Relic 11/15/08 |