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Users > DustiTwister

As of December 29, 2007

I regret to not saying goodbye, but with the situation of selfishness and new folks comming along to rush to assume ownership from those who no longer play, I didn't feel it was safe for me to let everyone know that I am no longer, or Hemptwister, going to be playing this game unless it goes back to the "family, Group" atmosphere tale 2 was like. This telling has been rocky to begin with, and as it progressed, it was found to be no longer fun. Folks just seem to be worried about themselves these days instead of making friendships linger and grow closer. I sure miss the days we all used to gather just to have parties, or the Test of Host. The days when you needed something and in a heartbeat someone would be right there with your needs and expect nothing in return. It saddens me. Hemptwister and I can be found in Runescape, doing basically the same things here, only at our own pace and not having to depend on someone else to assist. I am Dakotas Love, and I play in world 99, Hemptwister is called Kendakota. Our chats are only on to friends, so if you join us, you will not be able to get thru, but you can contact either Silverglass or Balthazarr and let them know to let us know who you are in the other game, and we will Surely add you.

To the folks I became very close to, I love you so much for everything you did for me, and continue to do. The support and friendship you have given me has not been dismissed, and never will be forgotten. You gave me direction, you helped me in many way in real life that you probably do not even realize. For that I can never repay you, but continue to pray for you. Life now in real, has become a very enjoyable life. Lots of things have changed since I met Hemptwister, and its been 2 years, and he and I are still going strong. It gets stronger every day. This was certainly one positive thing besides meeting all you, that has come from building friendships. Soon he will become my husband and I can't thank those folks who pushed me towards him, enough! I owe you so much, yet can only offer my love and heart full of gratefulness. Thank you for being there and watching me grow.

Love, ~Dustitwister

Dusti-HempsinghNovember 16, 2006 9:35 am386197
MiniMeet.jpgDustiTwisterNovember 16, 2006 8:44 am302258Balthazarr, Dustitwister, Hemptwister and Singh
T2FlowersImade.jpgDustiTwisterNovember 16, 2006 6:45 pm167831Flowers To Hemptwister in T2
chattabs.jpgDustiTwisterDecember 19, 2006 5:45 am183332This is my current game chat tab scene, note the date on the /clockloc its December 19th today, so if i have chats blocked, this is my NORMAL chat tab scene and you can see why I block them or dont answer sometimes. Hugzz
dustinhemp.jpgDustiTwisterNovember 18, 2006 7:19 am72461Dusti and Hemp Married The Luckiest Lady in Egypt Ever
facetoface.jpgDustiTwisterNovember 16, 2006 6:30 pm398082Hemptwister and DustiTwister
justmarried.jpgDustiTwisterJuly 19, 2006 7:19 am195175Just got married in T2 and again in beta and again in live....who knows what our future will bring
mehaircut.jpgDustiTwisterMay 16, 2007 5:07 pm15084This is a recent photo of myself, so ya know who ur talkin to. Hugzz

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Last edited December 29, 2007 2:52 pm by DustiTwister (diff)