Well you found me. Congrats. Cake will be found at the bottom of this page.
My name is Joe (suprised?) and my surname initial is H, what comes afterwards is a mystery...
I'm from the great island along the western world: Great Britain! (and our sidekick, Ireland!!)
Currently attending my final years of school where I'll be hitting all the exams =O
I think that's enough RL for anyone to take in.. now for some ATITD..?
About a year or so later I resubbed, this time was coming to the end of T2 where T3 Beta was released. I spent most of my days on the Beta (as I'm sure anyone did) as there wouldn't be much left in the world of T2. My friends who I played with didn't like the new level system in T3 once it was released, I left with them.
4 months later they joined again... (typical..), where we set up our group of friends only for them to leave a month or so later. I decided to stick around and see how things went - I lasted 2 months before I left due to school/time/monies.
Now we're here, I resubbed hoping to stay for a tad wee bit longer and hopefully speed up T4 to get me chums back on :P Turns out I left Offline chores: Pick Grass running during the 11 months of my absense, gaining me a 287,000 grass advantage. It wasn't too long before I couldn't take it standing still constantly, so I donated all the grass to research for making bricks :))
That's pretty much my ATITD history for ya, not that you wanted to know or anything ^^
I'm pretty much a casual person, currently I'm trying to reestablish my compound while still having the time for acroing and getting my Bureaucrat petition signed. Other than them, here are the tests I'm currently focusing on..
Taught: 6 Facets
Name | 1/7 | 2/7 | 3/7 | 4/7 | 5/7 | 6/7 | Learnt |
Asian Influence | * | ||||||
Bicycle Kick | * | ||||||
Broad Jump | * | ||||||
Cartwheels | * | ||||||
Cat Stretch | * | ||||||
Clappping Push-Ups | * | ||||||
Crunches | * | ||||||
Greek Bridge | * | ||||||
Handplant | * | ||||||
Handstand | * | ||||||
Inverted Push-Ups | * | ||||||
Jump Split | * | ||||||
Jumping Jacks | * | ||||||
Kick-Up | * | ||||||
Leg Stretch | * | ||||||
Lunge | * | ||||||
Pinwheel | * | ||||||
Push-Ups | * | ||||||
Rear Squat | * | ||||||
Roundoff | * | ||||||
Run in Place | * | ||||||
Side Bends | * | ||||||
Somersault | * | ||||||
Squat Thrust | * | ||||||
Squats | * | ||||||
Toe Touches | * | ||||||
Wide Squat | * | ||||||
Windmill | * |
I am looking for that one person to spend my time with in Egypt :) Here are a few things about me:
I am a bit of a perfectionist, I like stuff to be done quickly and efficiently. My father always told me, "Son, if it's got to be done, get it done right". And I have pretty much stuck to that ^^.
I like to know where things are, keep them organised as such which comes under the time efficient part of me.
I do like to sandbox and play tests as well. I may build such buildings that I may never even use, but they'll become to me some use in the Tale :D
I would like to get married some time soon as I've been holding back my progress in tests so that the Test of Marriage can be a breeze :) It may look like I'm progessing slow right now, but I plan to pull my finger out when I'm married =D
See you in Egypt!
WORK IN PROGRESS this includes me preparing the cake