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Users > Khufu

Khufu (Cheops)

Kush Botanical Institute

Level 14
Gender: Man Language: English

Hall of the Rising Sun - Kinsman
Kinsman in Kush Research And Development - Kinsman
Egyptian Urban Renewal - Member

The Pharaoh Khufu, or commonly known as Cheops, ruled in the 4th Dynasty (2551-2528 B.C.) He was the second Pharaoh of the period and he ruled for approximately 23 years. He created a highly structured society and attained great wealth.

His most known and famous accomplishment was the building of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It was built by hundreds of skilled workers who camped near the pyramids and worked for a salary until the construction of the pyramid was completed.

Although he organized the construction of the pyramid, not much is known about his life due to the fact that his tomb was robbed. No remains of the mummy have ever been found and there is only an empty sarcophagus that lies in the center of the King's Chamber located inside the pyramid. However, a statue was found in the temple of Abydos and it is thought that maybe this might give a slight insight into the Pharaoh's world and who he really was.

The present day rumor is that his ghost walks the land, telling the tales of the desert and seeking retribution from the ancestors of those that robbed his tomb.

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Last edited July 11, 2006 4:32 pm by Khufu (diff)