Why are there no cats in our Egypt?
Meet Nipaeri, reincarnated newly into the Third Telling...
During the Second Telling, she existed in Fool's Paradise... she remembers now... and lived in The Village, during a single full orbit of the moon.
During the First Telling, she took on the identity of 'Asatis', and roamed the countryside of Lower Nubia, when Egypt was virgin and pristine.
Last thing Nipaeri did upon heeding the hour of immigration to the Fourth Telling, when Egypt become deserted:
Amazing Things
- Pictures
- These are some pictures of the best works of art I've seen in Egypt.
- Sheep pulling a cart full of goodies. View Location: UE, 1672, 3732
Useful Things
- Test of the Prophet tip: Look over the Recent Changes to see which Users are updating their Test progress. Those who are, are most likely to pass more Tests in the future.
- Xerlux's profile quote
- Used with permission
- "Simplify ATITD: Don't complain about space; Egypt is big enough... If you request a signature, have the decency of reading the other player's petitions... When you want dates, carry Saltpeter with you and fertilize palms for the next player... Make ALL Apiaries Public; don't be stingy - sooner or later you too will benefit... Make some mines PUBLIC; you cannot possibly mine them all, and the ore extracted from them contributes to the aggregate wealth of All Egypt... Secure all your property - DPA is legal, player introduced and ruthlessly enforced (duly warned)... Make your chests STASHABLE - to encourage random acts of kindness... If a sheep pen is public - contribute and don't be greedy by killing all the sheep or stealing the onions... If you collect SAP - injure the cactus... Public greenhouses help everyone and if you want grass from them - make stashable chests for us to put grass in it for you... When you leave camp, make it a habit always to return full of gathered resources. Thank you!"
- Nebu's forum post
- The most beautiful ATITD forum post I've ever read.
Real world me
- Age: 28
- Nationality: Russian
- AIM messenger: violette888
Thoughts on the Tale
- ATITD is successful because it speaks to people's innate craving of being the master of a craft. This is lacking in the real world (to the detriment of us all). We should all have a leisure craft we can do besides this game, irl. Take an hour a week or a day to knit, sew, bake, create model planes, do carpentry, etc. For more info, read the book "Finding Flow: The psychology of engagement with everyday life" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.