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Value of resources in seconds

this is not a trade list! those values are totally theoretical!


these evaluation can be used to aproximate the value of items relative to one another without acounting for supply/demand.

the other use for this list is to aproximate how many player/hours it takes to complete a project. For example, making 100 linen on a student loom takes about 26.5 hours, for males (just the endurance timer is around 12 hours). So, if you want to build a large obelisk you'll need help and hopefully a hand loom to remove the waste caused by restringing.

In tale 1, I aproximated how much time it would take to build a deep well. without petrolium my aproximation was around a week of work (24 hours a day) , with petrol it takes about 2 days worth. this shows how technology advancement effect the value of goods. In tale 1 Petrolium lowered egypt dependancy on charcoal and since a deep well was fairly automatic the value of petrol was extreamly low yet it was extremely efficiant for smelting (and extremely poluting).

initial version information

this is the initial version of evaluating goods acording to time it take to make them . the values i got may need alot of tuning to be acurate.

I calculated the value of endurance timer second as 0.4 acording to the slate for canvas and firebrick for canvas auctions (mid value +/- 16%) the other timers are just initialized to 0.1 and may be more valued than intended.

I've yet to add wait time to my list. the only place that wait time is sagnificant is when you try to calculate the value of leather mutton and oil (or camel products that i didn't touch yet). I've noticed in the test auction of linen for leather that the value of leather has a very large factor added due to the wait time due to the rarity of sheep . my value asumes that you can produce sheep as fast as you can make onions.

the value of ore is probobly very inacurate since i didn't factor in mine colapse isn't factored in like it was in the tale1 evaluations.

I'll add the excel file too so people who visit this page can play with the numbers


my new model is based on :

the formula is:

V= (T/P + sum(D[i]*R[i]) ) * (1+S)

the way i handle timers is by considering them as resources but estimating their value (usually lower than 1 second per second of timer). the way i calculated Endurance timer is by assuming the exchange rate of tow to flax is 1:10 and got about a value of about 5/12.

the way i calculate flax combing is fairly creative because it put negative values of R on the previous result.

tables of values

I turned the excel file into a more database friendly syntax (which will be my next step)

data values (dependancies are now seprate)

name value time products overHead dep cost
board 3.7 0.5 1 0 3.2
brick 0.71 1 6 0 0.54
canvas 1200 1 1 0 1200
charcoal 3.45 180 200 0 2.55
clay 0.51 1 1 -0.5 0.02
copper ore 1.14 1 7 0 1
endurance 0.4 4 10 0 0
firebrick 1.67 1 6 0.33 1.08
fish 3.33 10 3 0 0
flax 4.01 120 40 0 1.01
flax seed 2 2 1 0 0
flint 10 20 1 -0.5 0
focus 0.1 10 100 0 0
grass 1.6 3600 2250 0 0
grass(base) 2.4 3600 1500 0 0
grilled fish 18.4 1 20 0 18.3
hackling rake 259 5 1 0 254
iron 27 3 7 0 26.5
iron ore 1.14 1 7 0 1
jug 2.15 1 12 0 2.07
leather 19 1 2 -0.35 28.7
linen 901 1 1 0 900
lint 18 1 10 0 17.9
mud 0 1 500 0 0
mutton 2.12 1 6 -0.78 9.6
nails 2.7 2 12 0 2.53
oil 0.76 1 10 -0.87 5.74
onion 1.79 120 70 0 0.08
preception 0.1 10 100 0 0
rotten flax 4.01 1 1000 0 4.01
sand 0 1 500 0 0
sharpend stick 6.5 2 1 0 4.5
sheep 57.4 0 1 0 57.4
silt 0.2 2 10 0 0
slate 8 3600 450 0 0
stone blade 17 1 1 0 16
straw 1.62 4 200 0 1.6
strength 0.1 10 100 0 0
thread 1.2 2 1500 0 1.2
tinder 6.5 2 1 0 4.5
tow 38.8 1 10 0 38.7
tow(2end) 37.6 1 10 0 37.5
twine 12.9 2 300 0 12.9
water 0.02 2 100 0 0
wet firebrick 0.33 1 6 0 0.17
wet jug 1.51 1 1 0 0.51
wood 1.5 60 40 0 0


name depend_name ratio value
board stone blade 0.1 1.7
board wood 1 1.5
brick mud 0.5 1.00E-3
brick sand 0.167 3.33E-4
brick straw 0.333 0.54
canvas endurance 80 32
canvas twine 90 1163.07
charcoal wood 1.7 2.55
clay water 1 0.02
copper ore preception 5 0.5
copper ore strength 5 0.5
firebrick wet firebrick 1 0.334
firebrick wood 0.5 0.75
flax flax seed 0.5 1
flax water 0.5 0.01
grilled fish fish 1 3.333
grilled fish wood 10 15
hackling rake board 18 66.6
hackling rake brick 36 25.488
hackling rake nails 60 162
iron charcoal 3.286 11.336
iron iron ore 13.286 15.186
iron ore preception 5 0.5
iron ore strength 5 0.5
jug firebrick 0.333 0.556
jug wet jug 1 1.51
leather sheep 0.5 28.704
linen endurance 80 32
linen thread 400 480.4
linen twine 30 387.69
lint endurance 135 54
lint hackling rake 1.00e-3 0.259
lint rotten flax 1 4.011
lint straw -1 -1.62
lint tow -1 -38.75
mutton sheep 0.167 9.568
nails charcoal 0.083 0.288
nails iron 0.083 2.246
oil sheep 0.1 5.741
onion water 4 0.08
rotten flax flax 1 4.01
sharpend stick focus 30 3
sharpend stick wood 1 1.5
sheep onion 32 57.408
stone blade slate 2 16
straw grass 1 1.6
thread lint 0.067 1.2
tinder focus 30 3
tinder wood 1 1.5
tow endurance 90 36
tow hackling rake 1.00e-3 0.259
tow rotten flax 1 4.011
tow straw -1 -1.62
tow(2end) endurance 70 28
tow(2end) grilled fish 0.389 7.149
tow(2end) rotten flax 1 4.011
tow(2end) straw -1 -1.62
twine tow 0.333 12.917
wet firebrick sand 0.167 3.33E-4
wet firebrick silt 0.833 0.167
wet jug clay 1 0.51

atitd3_res_price.zipNisegJune 11, 2006 6:55 pm30674excel document that try to calculate value of resources with dbase like format

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Last edited November 2, 2006 1:49 am by Erika (diff)