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Users > Psychladel

Welcome to my little space in Egypt!

I have been working on a CC Oven Macro, and with no adieu here it is There are two versions of it. One is an Executable, which is compiled with AutoIt, and the other is an AutoIt Script only.

For simplicity I have also included my own .ini file which gets about 200cc per 276 Wood You should have at least 300 Wood, and 15-20 Water Jugs in hand per oven to be on the safe side I completely re-wrote the Anka Macro which was modified by rwindmtg. So I would like to thank both of them for the starting code!!


(ESC) will Terminate Completely

(PAUSE) Suppose to Pause program, still working on the functionality of this HotKey

Get Color Mode

If the default .ini file that is attached isn't recognizing your status bars in your ovens then you can run the Get Color Mode to pull the colors from your ovens. Simply load up CC Oven Macro, select get color mode and follow the tip screens.

(SHIFT-ALT-G) ~ Grabs the Finished Green Color of an Oven

(SHIFT-ALT-B) ~ Grabs the Running Oven Blue Colors

(SHIFT-ALR-D) ~ Exits out of the Get Color Mode, if you have selected both your colors this will also put those colors into the Setup Screen for Saving.

Please note unless you hit the Save or Overwrite button on the setup screen your changes will not be saved, and once the cycle completes your changes will be lost.


The program will layout 5 Ovens in a row, with no limitation on the ovens. I would like to note that if your screen is not large enough then the macro will not run properly! The only way to change this option is to adjust the $OvenRowEnd Variable to how many you want to layout on your screen You will need the script version to do this at this time. Hope you enjoy, and if you have any questions please /chat me in game!

CCOvenMacro.au3PsychladelAugust 28, 2008 6:29 pm18837Script Version - Requires Auto IT to be Installed
CCOvenMacro.exePsychladelAugust 28, 2008 6:29 pm128991Compiled with Auto IT - Doesn't Require Auto IT to be Installed
CCOvenSettings.iniPsychladelAugust 28, 2008 6:31 pm69Settings File for CCOvenMacro - Currently Achieves 2.76w:2cc Ratio with this settings file

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Last edited August 28, 2008 6:28 pm by Psychladel (diff)