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Users > Sapphicat

Shemu III-11 - September 21, 2006
It's quite amazing how much can be done in just a few days. Not to say that the deep well that got put up a few days ago was done in only a few days. That part's definitely awesome, because now DoS can get their own petroleum and not have to depend on other regions to supply it. Hours upon hours upon hours of mining work took place, mining, and smelting and trying to figure out what to do with the clinker (we have nearly 60K deben of clinker in the chests right now).

The trip out to Sinai and other places went well. I came back with almost 600 db of herbs, most notably a little bit of chukkah. I know that asukals was pleased when she saw that. Unfortunately, I didn't come home with any DS or SWF mushrooms, which was what I was hunting for. I think I might make the herb runs a regular trip, only because I love going to each swath of trees and getting a little something extra.

The next project is to get gardening open, but I hate to say that my heart just hasn't been in making sheet glass over the past few days. It's been devoted to things like making the revelation solvents for crossbreeding and genotyping. I've also made a LOT of bricks, and halfheartedly working on some firebricks as well. I need to get back into the groove of things, to keep up with the supplies so we can get things like flax gins (perhaps should get some bronze for bearings, now that I think about it).

It's been almost like reinventing the stone blade as far as our crossbreeding efforts have gone. I've been taking some of the Moira #85 seeds that have a lot of flax and a LOT of tendings and trying to break it down into something a bit more useful. Breed after breed produces something that's reasonable with a little water, but no flax, OR it's produced a strain with a LOT of flax and absolutely no use for practicality's sake because of the number of tendings. We've finally gotten to the point where we're doing a genotyping on one of the UGH seeds (Sapphicat #49 8/3/3 - 6 Water) to see exactly what's going on with it. Asukals made some VERY nice food, where the constitution hit is done by the time that the first solvents are made. Tonight might be a night for some Nut's Essence.

For crossbreeding info, you want to go to crossbreeding

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Last edited September 21, 2006 12:26 pm by Sapphicat (diff)