| Initiate | Student | Prentice | Journeyman | Scribe | Master | Sage | Oracle |
Architecture | Passed | Passed | | | | | | |
Art and Music | Passed | | | | | | | |
Harmony | Passed | | | | | | | |
Human Body | Passed | Passed | Passed | Passed | Passed | | | |
Leadership | Passed | | | | | | | |
Thought | Passed | | | | | | | |
Worship | Passed | Passed | | | | | | |
The Test of the Acrobat
Passed on 5th November 2006, last facet by figrin. Thanks to all who ive acro'ed with.
Tests Breakdown
- Initiation: Done
- Test of the Obelisk: Done (14cubit Hardwood Obelisk)
- Test of Towers: Currently not Pursuing(Principle Not Done)
- Test of the Funerary Temple: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done) Funerary Temple is in UE @ 1686 / 3576
- Initiation: Done (torn down after passing)
- Test of Khefre's Children: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done) Passed Rank 1
- Test of Pyrotechnics: Currently not Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of the Raeli Mosaic: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done) Raeli Mosaic is in UE @ 1677 / 3688
- Initiation: Done
- The Test Of The Acrobat: Done (Principle Done) 5th November 2006
- Test of the Banquet: Not There Yet
- Test of the Oyster Catcher: Done (Principle Done) 20th December 2006
- Small; Black Beige Smoke Black Aqua Beige White
- Medium; Beige Coral Black White
- Large; Coral Beige
- Test of Safari: Done (Principle Done) 11th November 2006
- 4/4 Ibis, 4/4 Bullfrogs, 4/4 Falcons, 4/4 Gazelles, 4/4 Otters, 4/4 Rats, 4/4 Fennecs (Brown, Bushy Tail, Sharp Tooth, Short Hair)
- Test of the Singing Cicadas: Done (Principle Done) 20th December 2006
- Initiation: Done
- Test of Marriage: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done) Married on the 9th September 2006
- Test of the Freemen: Passively Pursuing(Principle Done)
- Test of Souls: Passively Pursuing(Principle Done)
- Test of The Prophet: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of Mentorship: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of Reason: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Critic: Actively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Initiation: Done
- Test of the Demi-Pharaoh: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Bureaucrat: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Initiation: Done (torn down after passing)
- Test of the Tombs of the Immortal: Actively Pursuing(Principle Done) Tomb of Immortal is in UE @ 1696 / 3679
- Test of the Pathmaker: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of the Venery: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of the Bijou: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Initiation: Done
- Test of the Vigil: Done (Principle Done) 501750 points 207 sac's
- Path of the Pilgrim: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
Note: Thanks to Blogmul for the template of this page