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Users > Spoiled > AutoGathering

This macro will work with all resolutions as long as you use small icons instead of obnoxious retina-devouring large ones.

It will click on the respective resource icons when they appear and can be deactivated by pressing the last-pressed hotkey once again to toggle back. Keep in mind that only one resource at a time will be gathered - the threads don't stack for some reason.


People with qwerty keyboards might want to change the y to z, but as it is I will enforce my German layout with an iron fist.

#IfWinActive, AutoCollectings.ahk
SendMode Input
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
^+s::				;Auto-Gather Slate
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1

WinGetPos,,, wWidth, wHeight
SmallIconX1 := wWidth - 137
SmallIconX2 := wWidth - 31

if KeepRunning
	KeepRunning := false
KeepRunning := true
	PixelSearch, mx, my, %SmallIconX1%, 63, %SmallIconX2%, 63, 0x0066BC, 10
	if ErrorLevel = 0
		MouseGetPos, mosx, mosy
		Click, %mx%, %my%
		MouseMove, mosx, mosy
		sleep 100
	if not KeepRunning  
KeepRunning := false

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
^+y::				;Auto-Gather Grass
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1

WinGetPos,,, wWidth, wHeight
SmallIconX1 := wWidth - 46
SmallIconX2 := wWidth - 44

if KeepRunning
	KeepRunning := false
KeepRunning := true
	PixelSearch, mx, my, %SmallIconX1%, 52, %SmallIconX2%, 52, 0xEB332F, 10
	if ErrorLevel = 0
		MouseGetPos, mosx, mosy
		Click, %mx%, %my%
		MouseMove, mosx, mosy
		sleep 500
	if not KeepRunning  
KeepRunning := false

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
^+x::				;Auto-Gather Clay
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1

WinGetPos,,, wWidth, wHeight
SmallIconX := wWidth - 42

if KeepRunning
	KeepRunning := false
KeepRunning := true
	PixelSearch, mx, my, %SmallIconX%, 52, %SmallIconX%, 52, 0x322DD4, 10
	if ErrorLevel = 0
		MouseGetPos, mosx, mosy
		Click, %mx%, %my%
		MouseMove, mosx, mosy
		sleep 500
	if not KeepRunning  
KeepRunning := false

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Last edited July 24, 2006 1:07 pm by Spoiled (diff)
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