This page shall serve to present my wonderful world of macros when I get around to writing about any of them.
All macros use AutoHotkey because that's what I use for no reason. To save Wiki bandwidth I will only copy the code of the macro on the page and not compile separate executables without request. But if you're interested enough to bug me to compile and upload an executable of a tiny macro that will turn out 20 times the size of the raw code, you should have the power to download AHK too. is the place to go.
Start reading for macros here:
AutoFlax - Plants and manages flax. Flexible numbers and harvesting modes for seeds and flax. Tuned for 1280x1024.
AutoGathering - Gathers either slate, clay or grass automatically when you walk over it. Activated via toggling.
AssortedBase - The absolute basic stuff I always run with the game. QuickClicks, flexible Reminder, several hotkeys... No way I'd play without.
Mining vA 0.9 - This macro is a bit intrusive because it interrupts chat intermittently, but simple and efficient.