For some reason, I didn't get the toggle functionality to work with this one, so there are separate "Pause/Unpause" and "Reload" hotkeys. You will need the images "Str.bmp" and "Per.bmp" in the same directory as the macro. They're attached to this page at the bottom.
#IfWinActive, eGenesis Client SendMode Input SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen WinActivate, eGenesis Client WinGetPos,,, winWidth, winHeight, A searchx1 := winWidth - 200 searchx2 := winWidth ^!+p::Pause ^!+r::Reload ^!n:: WinActivate, eGenesis Client Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow Gui, Add, Text,, Hover over the middle of your mine hole/entry, enter your minimal expected timer, press Enter Gui, Add, Edit, vDelay, 4000 Gui, Add, Button, default gSetPoint, OK Gui, Show return SetPoint: Gui, Submit Gui, Destroy MouseGetPos, hx, hy Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow Gui, Add, Text,, And now how far you want to spread from that point randomly(producing a rectangle with the middle in the middle, yes). Gui, Add, Button, default gSetSpread, OK Gui, Show return SetSpread: Gui, Submit Gui, Destroy MouseGetPos, sx, sy distancex := abs(hx - sx) distancey := abs(hy - sy) ;if (distancex > distancey) ; distancey := distancex ;else ; distancex := distancey WinActivate, eGenesis Client return #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3 ^!m:: #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1 if KeepRunning { KeepRunning := false return } KeepRunning := true Happened := false loop { WinGetTitle, OtherWindow, A WinActivate, eGenesis Client loop { ImageSearch,,, %searchx1%, 68, %searchx2%, 120, *2 Str.bmp if (ErrorLevel = 1) { ImageSearch,,, %searchx1%, 68, %searchx2%, 120, *2 Per.bmp if (ErrorLevel = 1) break } else sleep 25 } MouseGetPos, mosx, mosy loop { ;Randomize modifiers and distance from the middle. Random, mod1, -1, 1 if (mod1 != 0) { loop{ Random, mod2, -1, 1 if (mod2 != 0) break } break } } Random, dx,, %distancex% Random, dy,, %distancey% px := hx + (mod1 * dx) py := hy + (mod2 * dy) MouseMove, %px%, %py% sleep 50 Send w sleep 100 ImageSearch,,, 1100, 68, 1284, 120, *2 Str.bmp if (ErrorLevel = 1) { if (Happened = true) { sleep 200 Send {Enter} Happened := false continue } sleep 200 Send {Enter} sleep 200 Send {Enter} Happened := true ;To get out of possible loop continue } MouseMove, %mosx%, %mosy% WinActivate, %OtherWindow% if not KeepRunning break sleep %Delay% } KeepRunning := false return