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Cartouche Groups > MV Group Rank 1

MV Group 1

Members: Rhyddereh, Sesostris, Lewbis, Kalar, ozith, losiris, Sassy, makoto, cas, Neophant, hirokache, Akrian

First Task - Voting Booth

Requirment Contributor'(s) Stashed to Supply Chest
50 Oyster Shell Rhyddereh (32),Kalar(18) 50/50
50 Mud Granite Akrian/losiris (20)hirokache(10),kalar(20) 50/50
100 cut stone Rhyddereh (100) 100/100
45 sheet glass Lewbis 45/45
42 gold makoto (42) (broughtby cas) 42/42
160 linen Sesostris 160/160
360 twine Rhyddereh (360) 360/360
1 cut lapis Queen's Tomb losiris 1/1
1 cut garnet Queen's Tomb losiris 1/1
1 cut turquoise Looking Glass losiris 1/1
1 cut garnet Looking Glass losiris 1/1
1 cut amethyst Looking Glass losiris 1/1
20 paint: Brown makoto (20) (broughtby cas) 20/20
20 paint: Crimson losiris 20/20
20 paint: Forest Green 20/20
20 paint: Indian Red makoto (20) (broughtby cas) 20/20
20 paint: Violet Red Hirokache 20/20

Voting Booth

Location Name:River Plains Nearest Megalopolis Warp point:Midland Valley Location Coords:1077,5065

Supply Chest : Location Coords

Location Name:River Plains Nearest Megalopolis Warp point:Midland Valley Location Coords:1081,5044

Absent participants

Losiris cant be in this round due to a 7 day holiday coming up - this suxs :(


Round Type Building Status
One building Light of Forest Ozith (0)
Two voting n/a cas (3)
Three building Spire of Sun losiris (0)
Four voting n/a Sesostris (3)
Five building Return of Promise Lewbis (14)
Six voting n/a Rhyddereh (3)
Seven building Caress of Wind Kalar
Eight voting n/a Akrian (2)
Nine building Pursuit of Soul Neophant (111)
Ten voting n/a hirokache (2)
Eleven building Charm of Flight Sassy

I want to thank you all for participation in The Test of the Covered Cartouche, I didn't had a chance to say thank you cause that chat tab dissapeared. I'm pretty surprised that I won 1st place =) and I feel happy. Since I won 1st place I want to donate items from that booth to those who have lost it's a small token of my appreciation. Thank you again. Ohh and congratulations to Sassy for 2nd place and Hirokache for 3rd place. Take care and see you all round in Egypt =).

Lewbis here, Congratulations to Hirokache, Sassy ;D, and Makoto. Oh and can I have my glass back please :P

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Last edited June 17, 2004 11:19 am by (diff)