Most residents of DoS are members in DoS Meta Guild, located at -431,2688. There is a very nice public camp (Entnose Estates!) at that same spot. Two rivers flow from south to north, and the easternmost is called Entnose River.
DoS residents are concentrated in the northern section of the area, bordering southern Valley of Kings and River Plains, and the area immediately around the DoS Meta Guild, or in mid DoS, nearby the central UoW (Red Rock Valley). In the good old days, DoS had many residents throughout the region; recently many older guilds have left and much of the land is open land - resource-full, beautiful and welcoming of settlers.
South of DoS and northwest of Southern Egypt (WG/EG) is a new area which is being added to by builders and seems to be the latest area of the map that is under development.
Rumor has it that Bedouins roam these lands.
(See also: regions)