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Users > Var-LeTha

Var-LeTha started playing ATitD on the first day of Telling 1. There have been times when she's played like a maniac, and other times when she's let her account lapse for months at a time. Better to take breaks than to burn out entirely, she thinks.

She also finds it quite odd to write about herself in the third person.

"Var-LeTha" is a corruption of her usual online name: verylisa. It was an attempt to make a non-Egyptian name seem vaguely like it might fit into an Egyptian setting, without any real understanding of language. ;)

Var lives in Desert of Shades, is an Elder in DoS Meta Guild, and calls Clan Wulf camp home, thanks to the kind hospitality of AirmidWulf and Ronja.

Because Var-LeTha's player lives in Australia, she tends to be online at unusual times.

Special skills

Cooperage 3, Laboratory Construction 2, Mechanics 7, Pyramid Construction 7, Salvage Techniques 4, Sheet Glass Fabrication 7. Will happily make barrels, thermometers and mirrors at cost.



Current focuses

Other stuff

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Last edited August 18, 2004 1:51 pm by Var-LeTha (diff)
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