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Guilds Useful To New Players

Some guilds are service guilds. Working to pass a test together, provide chat and comraderie, or for trade. Here are some of the notable guilds in our land.

                                      Map of Egypt





Admissions Status

Location Name Elders Purpose Admissions Status
-534, 7563 NOS Venery Neophant Test of the Venery Currently 4 slots still open.
-502, 7535 Unique Items Exchange ZorroDelDesierto For trading of unique items. Tiles, treated boards, paints, cut gems, bulbs, wine cuttings, wine, etc. Currently setting up. Website coming soon.
-496, 7524 The Goods Baf, Shigosei Trade of all basic goods used in game Admission always open. To set up a trade.
-60, 2874 Newbieville Melior, RaniRani, Slovonox, NosajofOxicropolis, Kyri, Bahaumaut, bobinadodina, AirmidWulf, MercedArkab, Xanrag A friendly support area for both new and experience avatars Come as you are.
148, 6648 SET's Ladder Union ZorroDelDesierto, Neophant, DukeWilliam, Taniwha Building of Fertile Land Pyramid for Mega SET's Ladder Thought test. Open for applications. For those interested in use of pyramid for Test.
971, 6948 Protegé of Umopepisdn Umopepisdn, Kir, Tribisha, Jazmine A place where new players can feel welcome and learn how to play the game. Has a mini-camp with starting buildings to help with the transition from the Welcoming Island into Egypt. Close proximity to major guilds in the Old Egypt area. Open to trial accounts, new players and mentors. Currently ~40 members of 50 capacity.

See also: Mentoring Guilds

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Last edited June 16, 2004 10:35 am by Var-LeTha (diff)