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Mentoring Guilds

Mentoring Guilds are guilds specifically for helping new players get a start in Egypt. They are a bit different from MetaGuilds in that they typically have more resources available specifically for new players. Also, do not underestimate the value of a good mentor...the most dilligent at helping new players frequently form mentoring guilds for that purpose.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Map of Egypt




Basic Info

Location Name Elders Basic Info
970, 6946 Protege of Umopepisdn Kir, Rhyddereh, Kemisi, Tribisha Please come join our Guild hall, Protege of Umopepisdn, and we will help you get started on the seven initiation tests. Located near great places for learning, and lots of citizens willing to help.
431, -5685 South Egypt Academy ChaiaLeah, losiris, Hotepankh, Solalique, jemoa, Gigemohsix?, Asilotep, Etruscus, WebGorilla A training guild with many mentors from across the region and some dedicated facilities for initiates, located near the South Egypt Plaza Megalopolis and a large public park.
-671, 7697 Disciples Guild TCLogik A team-oriented guild that specialises in team work. The guild shares all buildings and resources and is more than happy to train new players.
-1844, 5182 CbtR Mentoring Guild Jodpar The first in the line of CbtR Mentoring guilds. Meant to help a player acclimatize to the game during their first week. Graduation certificate given upon graduation
-1541, 4511 Cbtr Mentoring Guild (South) Jodpar, Teao, Esme, Sesostris Second in the line of CbtR Mentoring guilds.
-1712, 5794 Cbtr Mentoring Guild (North) Jodpar, Teao Third in the line of CbtR Mentoring guilds.
-1668, 6879 Thoth Academy Toba We are a guild of mentor and new players. We're here to help. We also have a public camp for anyone to use.
402, -747 Atlantes sybou, Tekhamon, Vinstor, Moxmoran, AhotepPremiere, Ephemere, Reede, Ekmull Cette guilde est là pour aider les joueurs francophones, nous vous guidons ensuite vers LOTR Tin Area 51 :)
-59, 2876 Newbieville Melior, RaniRani, Slovonox, NosajofOxicropolis, Kyri, Bahaumaut, bobinadodina, AirmidWulf, MercedArkab, Xanrag

Also see Guilds Useful to New Players, Mentors, Mentoring Tips, What To Do Once You Are Off The Island, New Players Road Map, Beta>Guilds

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Last edited August 26, 2004 4:44 pm by Erika (diff)