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Sandbloom Genetics

This is a page under progress, based on Qetesh's stresses and hybrids, and lots of discussion and data from the [Ra's Garden of Eden]? flower guild. Additional information from Megrez' crossbreeding.

Sandbloom Traits

 * color numbers in progress

Sandbloom Genomes

Type Genome Length Center Ring North South East West
Corona C*xM*xY*xC*xM*xY*xC*xM*xY*xC*xM*xY* 35 K S S S S S
Lemon Drop YoxYoxYoxYixYixYix 18 S S S Y3 Y3 S
Sacrifice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ? S S S S S S
Sunshine *Y*Y*YiYiYoYo 13 Y2 Y3 Y2 Y2 Y2 Y1
Cookie Jar ? ? S S Y2 dkG Y2 Y2

gene Megrez Qetesh
H* core IC
*H ring OC
Hi north IP1
iH south IP2
Ho east OP1
oH west OP2

Misc Notes

Megrez: My reference for sandbloom parts are Center/Core, Ring (both obvious), and the inner petal sets containing the north petal (12 o'clock), south petal (6 o'clock), and the outer petal sets containing the east petal (3 o'clock) and west petal (9 o'clock). For comparison, Qetesh uses Inner Center (Core), Outer Center (Ring), Inner Petal 1 (North), Outer Petal 1 (East), Inner Petal 2 (South), Outer Petal 2 (West).

The Sacrifice genome is monotonic, stresses up to 14 in each direction showed no differentiation.

Megrez: From second giant cross noted above, the results were silver core, ring and inner petals, gold (east) and pale green (west) outer petals. Stressing once in each direction gave an additional yellow to the green petals, stressing 2 left kept the stronger green but 2 right was pale green. A third stress to the right caused the sandbloom to become normal sized which suggests either the gene for giantism is large, the whole genome was extremely truncated, or that the plant may require more than one gene expression for giantism. More research is continuing.

Qetesh: You think so? It sounds like the gene was just righthanded, something like the red dwarf genome. Have you stressed 3 left as well?

Megrez: This flower (Megrez#66) was stressed from L15 to R6. L15 and R3-5 are all broken giant. Those results are now on my results page. The genome should look something like: (LemonDrop left) (+ possible bits of Sacrifice) (Sunshine right)

Another tack I was taking was trying to determine where the genes fall off the end from crossing to figure out the ordering. Here are the preliminary results of those Sandbloom Crosses.

Should we put some sort of diagram up illustrating the nomenclature? I know exactly what everything refers to and I still get confused and don't remember the directions (which is why I numbered them clockwise, maybe numbering them petal sets 1,2,3,4 is better?). - Qetesh

Yeah, that'd be good, but I don't have access to an image editor. I can always program a rose compass plot and add text, but probably easier to use Photoshop if available. --Megrez

Yep, I'll do that after Lily panels are done (soon). I'm going to keep stressing corona, etc until it fully repeats. - Q

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Last edited June 10, 2004 5:12 am by Megrez (diff)