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The Test Of The Seven Phoenix

Construct as many Phoenix as possible in a short time. By enlisting the aid of other architects, you will progress far faster.


The Test of Seven Phoenix will challenge your skills as a contractor, not a laborer. When the Hour of the Phoenix arrives (check Hours of the Phoenix), you will be given a list of seven Phoenix Parks around Egypt, and the type of Phoenix statue that must be built at each. The list of parks will be the same for each architect during that hour, but the statue type will be random. You must visit a School or University of Architecture to recieve the list. (The list does not seem to be available at Universities of Architecture, only Schools -Dragyn) The Hour of the Phoenix lasts for one hour of TeppyTime.

No Egyptian may build more than a single statue in a given hour. If you want points for more than one statue, you'll have to get somebody else to build additional statues and give them to you. (Similar to The Test of Towers) However, if you use waypoint travel at any time during an Hour of the Phoenix, you are disqualified. You will no longer be able to build a statue during that Hour, any statue you have already built will be worth zero points (This point needs confirmation) , and you will receive zero points for statues built for you. Because of this, you will probably need to be at a School or University to receive your list before the Hour starts.

An architect can build a statue for themself, should they be lucky enough to be near the appropriate Phoenix park with the necessary supplies, but clearly this won't happen often.


At the end of the Hour of the Phoenix, you will recieve n^2 points, where n is the number of statues built. This means 1 point for a single tower, 4 for two towers, then 9, 16, 25, 36, and 49. Architects with the highest number of points will pass the test each week.

Build costs

Phoenix Being Born

7758 weight and bulk

Phoenix Growing Old

7114 weight and bulk

Phoenix In His Prime

6566 weight and bulk

Phoenix on the Hunt

9404 bulk, 11405 weight if the jugs are carried full

Phoenix Parting Ways

7454 weight and bulk

Phoenix Taking Shelter

10529 weight and bulk

Phoenix Twisting Fate

7464 weight and bulk


Phoenix Being Born

Phoenix Parting Ways

Phoenix Taking Shelter

Phoenix Twisting Fate

Phoenix on the Hunt

"A Tendency To Burst Into Flames"

(See also: Hours of the Phoenix, Phoenix Parks)

On_the_Hunt.jpgBrantJune 21, 2004 6:56 am59862Phoenix on the Hunt from behind
Twisting_Fate_flames1.jpgRenaJune 21, 2004 6:37 am127074Twisting Fate up in flames
Twisting_Fate_flames2.jpgBrantJune 21, 2004 6:57 am63787Another Twisting Fate in flames
Twisting_Fate_front.jpgBrantJune 21, 2004 7:00 am42232Twisting Fate from the front
Twisting_Fate_side.jpgBrantJune 21, 2004 6:58 am32463Twisting Fate from the side
parting-ways-1.jpgRehpicJune 21, 2004 6:24 am44378Phoenix Parting Ways
parting-ways-2.jpgRehpicJune 21, 2004 6:24 am31321Phoenix Parting Ways
phoenix_being_born_backBrantJune 21, 2004 5:55 am47441Oops, delete this
phoenix_being_born_back.jpgBrantJune 21, 2004 5:58 am47441Phoenix Being Born statue from behind
phoenix_being_born_frontBrantJune 21, 2004 5:55 am38384Oops, delete this
phoenix_being_born_front.jpgBrantJune 21, 2004 5:58 am38384Phoenix Being Born statue from front
phoenix_poof.jpgBrantJune 21, 2004 6:16 am31384"A Tendency To Burst Into Flames"
phoenixburningNosajofOxicropolisJune 24, 2004 8:29 pm22898Delete me
phoenixburning.jpgNosajofOxicropolisJune 24, 2004 8:35 pm22898Phoenix Taking Shelter goes up in flames
takingshelter1NosajofOxicropolisJune 24, 2004 8:28 pm36474Delete me
takingshelter1.jpgNosajofOxicropolisJune 24, 2004 8:34 pm36474Phoenix Taking Shelter
takingshelter2NosajofOxicropolisJune 24, 2004 8:29 pm25030Delete me
takingshelter2.jpgNosajofOxicropolisJune 24, 2004 8:34 pm25030Phoenix Taking Shelter
twistingburningassasssinJune 21, 2004 7:00 am49563stopdropandroll

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Last edited July 16, 2004 12:17 am by (diff)