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Users > Safira

Hiya! :D

I live in Seven Lakes in Smuggler's Quarry with my main guild Followers of Anubis at 2050, -850.

I have been playing ATITD for a very long time now it seems (since early June of 2002).. I think the thing I wish I had done most was to keep a log of what I had done and what was going on and who I was meeting. There are so many things and people gone that I wish I remembered better than I do. It has been amazing to me to see the game evolve and the culture change beyond what I ever could have imagined when I first began playing, and yet it still surprises me when people or things do not act like I expect them to. It has been and continues to be a crazy and wonderful ride, and I hope that I can hang on for many ages to come.

I enjoy (in no particular order): gemcutting, paint, growing veggies and flax, weaving, chatting, charcoaling, beer, researching at the universities, and running around all over Egypt meeting new people.


Amazons; Bedouins; Barley is not a fun activity for me.; Coalition of the River; Commonwealth of Bubastis; DoS Meta Guild; Followers of Anubis; Friends of FoA; Greater Seven Lakes Coalition; Lake of Reeds Exchange; Nileside Cafe; Nileside Lounge; Path of Leadership - Covered Cartouche Branch; Shady Acres Egypt; South Egypt Chat, Commerce, Communications; The CotS Collective; The Hidden Light - "Amun-Ra"; The Trust Consortium; Traders Bank of Egypt; Traders of Egypt; VRM;

Tests Passed

Mentorship, Trust, Patronage, Bureaucracy, Cartouche, Demi-Paraoh; Bedouin, Acrobat, Banquet, Reason; Obelisk, Octec's Ghost, Pyramid, Towers, Megalopolis; Marriage, Alignment, Pilgram, Beacon, Visions, Festivals; Venery; Student of Conflict; I am initiated into all the disciplines.

Current Projects

Paint Recipes

Beer Recipes

(work in progress)

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Last edited June 17, 2004 9:21 pm by Safira (diff)
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