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A Tale In The Desert is a very unique type of game, to the point that many people have trouble describing exactly what type of game it is when asked to. This page is where we (the community) can attempt to define exactly what A Tale In The Desert is about, what it means, and what it is. Add your thoughts, ponderings, experiences, adventures, or anything that you think helps define what the game means to you. The eventual goal is to gather enough unique viewpoints that a casual visitor who has never played ATITD will be able to get an idea of just what the heck is going on around here.

How can I describe this game to my friends without sounding like a moron? We make bricks, we pitch tents, we colonize. We research, we learn, we research more. We pass tests, we write laws, some good, some bad. We grow, we change, we adapt, we create. --Brant

I tell friends that the game is based on con-FLICT , but not com-BAT. based around sociological puzzles, and resource managment. developed by only 2 people. one with a degree in mathematics, and the other a doctorate in distributed computing. Its a raw independant experiment, with no corporate sponsorship. and about 1000 people play right now. -TheDude

On first glance, it seems to be just a game about crafting. But after a while, you scrape past the surface and find out the truth; it's a game about politics, with a kick-butt crafting system. - Slyfeind-Hotep

I discribe Atitd like life. When you start you have no clue what to do and need looking after. After a while you find new stuff to do and everything is a wonder. Then you realise what you need to gather to do some tests and buildings and you start worrying about the game and how you are going to cope and how hard it is. Then you move on and start getting somewhere you learn new skills and meet new people. Then you work your way up guilds and start to gather wealth. Finally you get so wealthy you don't worry about anything any more and just look forward to the end. - Bigboy

ATITD is a game about waiting. You click on menus, then you wait until you can click again. Another player once told me "ATITD is the best game to play while you're playing another game." - DarthBobo

ATITD is about community building. The tests are designed to force us to work together and overcome selfishness and greed as personified by The Stranger. - Ledara

ATITD is about social networking, about making friends and forming connections. - Loreleilee

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Last edited July 11, 2004 7:01 pm by LoreleiLee (diff)