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Beer > Yeast Table > Single Table

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Microbe Max Alcohol Glucose Floor Maltose Floor Vitamin Floor Vitamins Consumed Orange Banana Cherry Date Honey Nutmeg Cinnamon Grassy Nasty
Y-1 713 9 255 121-157 .014 .011 .274 .028 .031 .014 .015 .028
Y-2 502 2 .008 .014 .04 .030 .01 .01 .106
Y-3 1421 1 46 49 -.13 .084 .027 .012 .015 .011 .058 .014 .032 .051
Y-8 992 1 148 122- -.328 .024 .015 .044 .081 .028 .015 .115 .004 .012
Y-9 698 14 169 .018 .012 .014 .199 .021 .038 .081 .019 .01
Y-10 971 6 177 233 .25 .005 .046 .005 .043 .005 .1 .005 .007 .029
Y-11 1026 3 51
Y-16 873 1 156 .023 .038 .187 .021 .016 .014
Y-17 992 13 37 204 1.0 .056 .011 .026 .014 .01 .167 .011 .036 .026
Y-18 1241 2 247 2300.150 .014 .029 .012 .014 .092 .011 0.027 .033
Y-19 1026 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3.000 ?
Y-24 976 (was 923/1026) 7 32 172 0.1496 .067 .012 .022 .026 .020 .044 .233 .013 .012
Y-25 573 ? ? 175- -.495 .019 .024 .012 .014 .017 .014 .010 .016 .010
Y-26 971 5 202 120 -.321 .024 .07 1 .04 .02 .23 .018 .064 .031
Y-27 446 2 214 .077 .016 .02 .016 .044 .027 .008
Y-32 755 8 217 .028 .083 .177 .119 .015 .032 .159 .026
Y-33 755 1 15 144 .185 .093 .072 .083 .375 .230 .011 .127 .020 .012
Y-34 433 10 72 .097 .014 .062 .012 .025 .014 .363 .014
Y-35 396 8 128 116- -.970 .015 ? .005 .015 .018 .081 .025 .018 .018
Y-40 1241 7 218 125 0.47 .014 .015 .044 .018 0.041 .047 .015 .067 .027
Y-41 562 9 85 30 0.468 .130 .02 .011 .011 .007 .754 .045 .030 .011
Microbe Alkie Max Glucose Floor Maltose Floor Vitamin Floor Vitamins Consumed Orange Banana Cherry Date Honey Nutmeg Cinnamon Grassy Nasty
Y-42 1300 8 31 30 .117 0.056 .231 0.0146 0.01538 0.0115 .013 .215 0.0338 0.02
Y-43 443 11 166 .169 .091 .015 .020 .025 .030 .017 .023
Y-48 1346 2 108 143 .318 .040 .070 .025 .015 .026 .036 .017 .048 .015
Y-49 351 14 225 206/235 -.134/-.085 .014 .061 .017 .014 .009 .043 .009 .179 .009
Y-50 847 9 176 0 .967 .039 .0318 .018 .503 .027 .026 .032 .027 .012
Y-51 502 1 140 .333 .034 .010 .020 .074 .014 .040 .034
Y-56 718 15 187 866 .062 .047 .151 .018 .030 .009 .010 .014 .048 .013
Y-57 1421 14 182 0 2.130 .027 .066 .042 .051 .176 .024 .022 .094 .030
Y-58 573 5 185 .040 .016 .014 .426 .019 .042 .033 .272
Y-59 992 9 192 85 .233 .044 .020 .011 .201 .018 .027 1.503 .027 .014
Y-64 502 11 121 .038 .027 .022 .016 .05 .19 .008
Y-65 1079 14 103 199 .150 .010 .018 .018 .012 .109 .042 .019 .048 .032
Y-66 992 9 162 .25 .014 .02 .041 .013 .1 .168 .015
Y-67 1198 2 196 .036 .025 .028 .058 .367 .031 .044 .0843 .010
Y-72 350+ 10 75 .009 .025 .009 .038 .065 .341 .073
Y-73 555 9 200
Y-74 1026 1 90 207 0.2534 .022 .0146 .014 .377 .022 .018 .047 .049 .047
Y-75 253 12 197 .004 .032 .040 .016 .008 .016 .008 .016 .012
Y-80 273 1 .014 .010 .021 .03 0 .025 .011 .026
Microbe Alkie Max Glucose Floor Maltose Floor Vitamin Floor Vitamins Consumed Orange Banana Cherry Date Honey Nutmeg Cinnamon Grassy Nasty
Y-81 313 6 -.53 .05 .22 .02 .01 .07 .01 .02 .17 .01
Y-82 997 2 75 .144 .015 .014 .014 .021 .018 .017 .015
Y-83 502 6 171 -.3 .02 .01 .011 .011 0 .014 .01 .07 .018
Y-88 971 15 163 95 -.323 .031 .252 .018 .067 .024 .011 .010 .025 .010
Y-89 313 -.324 .013 .013 .083 .026 .013 .236 .013 .016 .016
Y-90 273 .187 0 .022 .004 .848 .037 .022 .011 .429
Y-91 325 13 25 3 .009 .105 .028 .034 .016 .018
Y-96 698 5 108 .011 0 .026 .017 .035 .021 .017 .02 .014
Y-97 713 1 148 .012 .024 .029 .053 .021 .018 .025 .014
Y-98 1241 8 115 0.327 .018 .049 .079 .06 .015 .022 .018
Y-99 325 1 5 120 -.132 .062 .008 3 .025 .0454 .012 .595 .078 .062

Boldface generally denotes Very Potent alcohol content, a hint of flavor or better (at max alcohol), or over 100 grassy/nasty flavor (at max alcohol).

Entries seperated by a slash (e.g. 100/120) indicate alternate calculations that were made. If one calculation is more correct than the other, delete the incorrect one.

This table was culled mainly from:

See also: Beer

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Last edited March 8, 2006 2:40 am by Sslama (diff)