Ceremonial Tasting Table
Used to drink wine (which raises your oenology skill) or beer (which raises your beer tasting skill).
Optionally, you may use wine glasses to boost the number of points given per wine. Glass #1 is the center glass on the table, incrementing counter clockwise from there.
To build:
Built: in a compound, uses 6x13 cells
Skill/Tech required: none
- Wine can stay on a table forever, but beer will go off over time (the time taken depends on it's potency - see the beer guide)
- No access permissions are required to drink from a filled glass - if you wish for greater security from potential theft, a pourer with access permissions to the table may pour the wine into the glasses and anyone can then drink from them.
- To drink, click on a glass, click fill. Click on the glass again, then click drink.