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Foraging > MultiLeaf

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Note that many plants that have "several" leaves per stem (5 or 7, typically) appear on SingleLeafGreen instead, or in addition to, being here.

Identified Herbs

Name Pic Method of Harvest Notes
Bhillawa Snip the Leaf Stems Raises ENDURANCE and SPEED
Can appear grey-white
Blue Tarafern Scrape off the Stem Pith Raises SPEED

Larger than Bhillawa. Wiggles a lot in the wind.
Brown Muskerro Scrape away the Leaf Hairs This shows as Green leaves and brown stems on my comp, Im using a Radeon 9000 Pro - RaMPeNT
Cinquefoil Crush the Stems Raises ENDURANCE and PERCEPTION

Also listed in SingleLeafGreen - Spear Leaf - Short
Fumitory Crush the Stems Also listed in SingleLeafColor - Blues
Khokali Snip the Leaf Stems leaves may appear white with a purplish tinge on top, green underneath
Liquorice Pick out the Seeds Raises STRENGTH

Multi-Stem, compound leaves (7 per stem)
Some have 5 leaves per stem

Also listed in SingleLeafGreen - Spear Leaf - Short
Licorice, Nubian Cut away the Outer Stem Raises FOCUS

Similar to Blue Tarafern, but it's green and the stem is tigher together
Mirabellis Fern
Pluck the Leaves This herb has two kinds of leaves, as the lower picture on the right illustrates.
Myrrh Peel back the Stem Base Raises PERCEPTION and SPEED
Soapwort Cut away outer stem Raises PERCEPTION

Note: I saw (and harvested successfully) one with dark red leaves. While plants usually look darker on my computer than on the wiki, I had never seen one where the hue was wrong. Was the picture taken by someone with strange colours? -Kinniken
Can confirm the red leaves. Wish I got a screenie. I have the ATI problem though. -Rhyddereh
Color on the image is the same here - ArmEagle
I got red leaves too, but using an ATI Radeon 9000 Pro -RaMPeNT
I found one exactly this color. Using low-end GForce -Thujone
I got one with only a single stem. -Matk
My find matched the picture; Note at several angles this appears to have one stem -Clovis
Strychnos Snip the Leaf Stems Raises PERCEPTION and STRENGTH

Not Harvested, Yet

Name Pic/Description Method of Harvest Notes

File Attachments

Note: Please resize the pic to 280 width, before uploading ||

5-leaf_pink.jpgCortanaOctober 13, 2004 2:04 am13205Not a fern, but this category works. Failed with crush the stem, Failed with pick out the seeds
BrownMuskerro.jpgTesaOctober 13, 2004 3:48 am14264Brown Muskerro
Cinquefoil.jpgTesaOctober 11, 2004 5:08 pm15657Cinquefoil
Cinquefoil2.jpgArmEagleNovember 29, 2004 4:54 pm13349Cinquefoil better view
DUALplantMULTIleafDrJekyllNovember 22, 2004 6:10 pm18607This is ONE plant, the outer portion looks like Pale Dhamasa, difference is the INNER plant...but the whole thing is ONE plant....FAILED Cut Away the Outer Stem (WHOLE plant , went with the ONE attempt)
TallMultiLeafHerb.jpgDecisionDecember 12, 2004 5:36 am39470Looks like Cinquefouil on huge stalks.
Unknown.jpgGiantPineappleOctober 18, 2004 8:26 am20316Found in Sinai near UArch
compound_leaf_five.jpgSolaOctober 10, 2004 6:19 am12922
khokali.jpgTickleOctober 11, 2004 5:08 pm23373time of day lighting off
mirabellis_fern.jpgCappuJune 7, 2005 2:39 pm23182Mirabellis Fern with straw measure
myrrh.jpgTesaOctober 6, 2004 10:07 pm22630Myrrh
redleaf.jpgTesaOctober 8, 2004 2:04 pm13476Small red leaf
strychnos.jpgAlisOctober 6, 2004 1:44 pm15731fern type herb
unknown_gn.jpgTickleOctober 11, 2004 9:59 am29250
unknown_many_stems.jpgSharrowOctober 18, 2004 5:32 pm7183Found in Karnak

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Last edited March 5, 2006 11:32 pm by Clovis (diff)