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ArmEagle's Artwork

Compound/Camp (1421, 2358)

I decided I needed a nice place for myself, just like my grandmother did.

So I looked around fora nice flat area close to the Sunset Papyrus compound. I found a spot close to my animated sculpture (see below). It costed me quite some Cut Stones to make all those wedges, but I think I have a quite unique compound now. Then I decided the compound needed some decoration. Besides the different art stuff like flowers I wanted something special. So I dug up 2 Limestone Blocks and with help from very nice people I got them pushed to my compound. They will serve as pedestals for 2 sculptures. I hope I will have time to start with that soon. I also plan to paint the compound, but I will probably wait with that till the two front scultpures are done.

For now it jsut looks like this:

Flesh Eating Plant (1441, 2355)

I finally finished my sculpture project. It is a new type of multi sculpture project displaying a flesh eating plant. A building is hidden when it is built 'under' a compound when it's walls are up. So I placed 5 single sector compounds next to each other and built one sculpture-base under each. This way you can look at each frame independently by lowering the walls of the compounds. When you do this in order you get an animation.

Patented by ArmEagle on Year 0, Peret II-20. You can use this method when you pay a visit to my sculpture and give me votes. ;P

I made a couple of screenshots and created animated gifs:

small animation | big animation

small animation | big animation

Tale3 Beta2

My entrance to the Primitive Arts event called 'Shortwinged Phoenix'. I would have needed a second Sculpture base to make the wings just a bit longer. But you know.. linen is expensive.

compoundWIP1.jpgArmEagleDecember 26, 2004 11:06 pm31443Work In Progress of my compound

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Last edited May 8, 2006 11:14 pm by ArmEagle (diff)
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