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Skills > Cooperage

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Cooperage is the craft of barrel making. The Cooperage skill allows you to construct a Barrel Vice and to use it to create small barrels. Small barrels are used to store beer, and to build wine barrels for winemaking purposes.

Tuition cost:

School: Body


Over time, as you make more barrels, your skill level will increase from 1 up to 7 (skill increase is based on successes, not failures).

The Barrel Vice building itself requires the following materials:

Making a barrel requires 100 boards and 2 copper straps. You will also need wood to run the Barrel Vice; the amount is variable, but 75 to 100 wood per barrel is a good rule of thumb.

Running the Barrel Vice

Operating a Barrel Vice is pretty simple -- there's only one control: add wood. You just have to be careful not to let the flame get too high, since there's no way to cool down the flame (as there is in a Charcoal Hearth apart from letting it die down of its own accord.

There are four indicators:

The idea is to keep the heat high, but not let flame reach 100%, which would incinerate the barrel. The higher the heat, the faster you make progress. You will only make progress when the 'heat' indicator is above 50%.

Once you have the vice going, you will only be adding 0, 1, or 2 wood each tick. Each tick, the flame will go up, down, or down a lot, depending on whether there is currently 2+, 1, or 0 wood in the vice's fuel chamber. The amount the flame goes up or down is random, but the downward shifts are far greater in magnitude than the upward shifts.

A conservative procedure:

The important decision is when the fuel is at 1 wood. If you overshoot, the barrel incinerates, and you lose the boards, straps, and any wood in the vice. If you undershoot, you just end up using more wood to make the barrel. You will very quickly get a feel for how much the flame can rise during a tick. Eventually, you will tweak the start-up, sometimes adding 1 wood when there's still 2 wood, just to get the flame higher, and also learn when you can stop adding wood, and let the vise coast to a finish.

The amount of wood you use will go down as you get better at knowing when to add more wood. When you first start out, you may use anywhere from 70-80 wood, but have at least 100 on hand, just in case. Also, as you produce more barrels, your cooperage skill level goes up, and it takes less wood to make a barrel (you make more progress with each tick).

Thanks to Kuu on Irc for giving barrel making advice when I couldn't find this on tale1 wiki. This is the entry on tale1 wiki merged with data already here and modified based on what I've seen. Thanks to Kuu and All contributers from tale1! :)

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Last edited March 25, 2005 6:43 pm by Zignotrop (diff)